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Old November 5th, 2014, 04:28 AM

Dubious Dubious is offline
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Smile Re: General Discussion

Re: Commodities. Thanks for looking into this. Trying to simulate a "supply-and-demand" economy is never "fun", and in my experience not easy to pull off. Looking forward to seeing the result. Tracking prices is indeed tedious, but "trading as a business" is about finding the profit and not about speculation. And for small cargo space ships, you have to look for maximum profit at low risk, or you end up stranded and out of funds in a heartbeat. Only larger ships can afford to carry "speculation loads".

My suggestion would be to leave hooks in place for enthusiasts to mod it (possibly even to the extent of replacing your formula). Different folks get interested in different aspects of any game, and modders are an inventive lot. How to implement "the economy" could be a topic in it's own right.

Re: Cloak. I did have one instance where a Gruff did spot me while cloaked. At the time I was sitting in a nebula near the warp point waiting for the engine to cooldown. I suspect he "bumped" into me, and assumed that as WAD. I haven't had it happen since I started to sit on the warp point while cloaked. (And now my relations have improved enough with both the Gruffs and Pirates I don't bother to cloak at all.)

Re: Speed and the clock. If I've sparked any ideas to improve the game, then I consider that "a good thing". Thanks for being open to suggestions (even implied ones) at this late date.

Re: Warp. So far one sector jumps have taken zero elapsed time. It makes sense this might not hold for longer jumps, depending upon the engine. And working out those limits should be another challenge for the players, if they feel it significant.

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