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Old August 19th, 2007, 02:46 PM
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Default Re: Growth and Death by the Numbers

Saint Dude is correct, my scales tell you how much gold you get OVER THE COURSE OF THE GAME. While at the end of 102 turns you will have increased population by your 80%+ figure and will earn that much more gold per turn, you won't have that much extra gold for most of your turns (unlike Order which gives +/- 7% gold per tick no matter what turn and the aggregate won't change over number of turns.

As for the role of random events... too much variable is involved. For example, large nations are sort of "buffered" from random events due to hard limit of random events occurring. No matter how valuable the territory, if you have 50+ it won't matter how badly it gets hit with Misfortune. Then, its much harder to quantify the effects of free gems and magic items that high luck players get. Obviously, the additional effects of growth, minimizing/aggrevating old age problems, additional supply, are things players will have to consider when designing their strategy. This chart is more to quantify just how much extra money you'll get/loose using growth/death (a lot more then 2%).
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