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Old January 26th, 2012, 08:25 PM

Knai Knai is offline
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Default Re: Fatigue is not very realistic!?

Originally Posted by TigerBlood View Post
How is a giant standing, let alone swinging a weapon realistic? Their structure would not be able to support their mass.

A certain amount of abstraction is required in order to make a game about fantasy creatures even remotely plausible. I think illwinter has done some great work in this regard. Fatigue mechanics, are for the most part consistent, without being dissociative, even when upon deeper examination a certain amount of fluff is required to justify the effect.
There is a matter of what genre conventions are acceptable and what aren't. The square cube law can just be entirely ignored in fantasy, scaling weapons is perhaps more questionable. Moreover, heavy armor being bad in some cases is a serious problem and is dissociative. I have no issue with the scaling weapons personally (it's an abstraction I'm entirely willing to make, particularly given the nightmarish micro there would otherwise be. Besides, if you can enchant a weapon to glow with cold fire, you can enchant it to fit the wielder.), but it makes sense for others to have that issue.
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