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Old May 3rd, 2010, 04:00 AM
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Default Re: Night of the Long Knives?

Originally Posted by Edi View Post
Originally Posted by TwoBits View Post
I can understand banning someone if necessary, but I can't understand not even allowing a discussion of the specifics of it.

I mean, how do I know if it was warranted in this case, if no one can share information on it? Hm, perhaps I just answered my own question...
Had it only been discussion of the specifics, but most of those threads that have been moved were out and out spam as well as people essentially picking fights with other people who didn't catch the innuendo right off the bat.

So, if people do want to have a discussion about it, let us have it calmly and constructively. If it's just going to be spam, yes then the moderators will make it disappear.

vfb is correct that this place is not democracy. It's a private club with its own rules.
Fair enough. But, if there were troublesome threads (and I can see your point there), wouldn't it have been better to lock the thread, with an explanation (as was done with the Political Theory thread)?

When threads just suddenly disappear (or were moved - to where?), it leaves people scratching their heads.

That said, if this is going to be kept open as a legitimate place for discussion of the "Sombre Incident", does anyone care to spill the beans on what happened, so others can form their own opinions on whether a useful, if problematic, member was fairly banned?

Yeah, I know, maybe it's all just blowing smoke, because, as people said, this isn't a democracy, and Shrapnel can do what it wants with its Forums. But maybe, at least, this would serve people as an example of what lines are best not crossed.