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Old January 13th, 2006, 01:42 PM

RonD RonD is offline
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Default Re: Barbarian Invasion - Rule Discussion

1. BE/Pythium
2. The suggestions so far make sense.
3. Yes I would prefer that this be a *dom2* game with teams and a particular theme. I am not in favor of trying to make this some sort of "alternate history war game" (AHWG). Outlawing sea provinces would make sense for the AHWG, but not for dom2.
4. ? Maybe for the Romans to occupy some percentage of the original barbarian provinces. Maybe even require the Romans to build forts in some percentage of the originally barbarian provinces (so the provinbces are truly civilized). But I'm flexible.
5. see 4.
6. 50. Something that doesn't swing the balance too far either way.
7. Not tried that, so I suppose I have no opinion.
8. Either way is OK. I suspect the Romans would build castles if they start with them.
9. no
10. Adding a few monsters for the barbarians might be fun, but it could also allow an early exploit if someone thinks of something clever.
11. Either way is OK with me. Truper's idea might be fun.
12. No. I think it will be tricky enough to have this game balanced as is.

If Folket's idea of Romans required to take drain is adopted - count me out. I understand his rationale, but the idea of playing a magically crippled Pythium doesn't appeal to me.
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