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Old August 11th, 2018, 10:10 AM
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Default SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition


opening a general thread where I can put some scenarios that just does not fit as any real series. I guess it will be more of a case with WW2 than MBT anyway
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Old August 11th, 2018, 10:14 AM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Starting now,


This one covers an important incident that occured between Italy and Ethiopia in late 1934. This incident at Walwal - or Ueluel - was direct cause of the Italo-Abbisinian war that erupted a few months later.

There is no Ethiopian OOB, so I had some fun recreating them from scratch

Here's the detailed description:
Walwal (Ueluel) Incident*
Date: November-December 1934*
Location: Walwal (Italian: Ueluel), near Werder, modern day south-eastern Ethiopia*
Type: Ethiopian (green) advance vs. Italian delay*
Starting from 1928, Italian-Ethiopian relations began to deteriorate. The Italians, rather than to seek economic cooperation and fulfillment of mutual needs, directed themselves towards a more hostile approach with Ethiopia. A number of actions were undertaken, mostly aiming for weakening or the deposition of the ruling Emperor Tafari Makonnen, widely known under his imperial name Haile Sellassie I.**

It must be clearly noted though that the Italians did not seek war with Ethiopia at first. They aimed rather at turning it into its puppet state with an influx of financial and weapon support for the Emperor's enemies. Things changed after the Walwal Incident of December 1934.**

Walwal was back then a small fort within the borders of Italian Somalia. It was located about 15km from the larger fort of Warder. The significance of Walwal was in what it protected - a chain of about 50 wells and other water sources, able to supply the entire region in water. This area was seen by the Ethiopians as their own, even though Walwal was clearly put under Italian rule in accordance with the Italo-Ethiopian treaties of borders and friendship. In 1934, the British border commission was assigned to the Ethiopians and the latter started to locally contest the Italian control of the border region of Somalia and Ethiopia.**

The incident started to build up in late November of 1934. Negus (Prince) of Gondar province, Gabre Mariam, gathered a significant force of warriors close to Walwal and put pressure on the Italian garisson. The village was manned by Bandi (equivalent to a company) of so called Dubati, the Somali Askari - or local troops - from Ogaden province. Rather than retreat, the Dubati chose to inform both the stronger fort of Warder and the Mogadishu provincial headquarters of likely impending conflict. The Italians responded swiftly and soon poured more Dubati into Walwal with more colonial troops, including armour, rallied in Warder.**

Both sides continued the build-up until early December 1934. Gabre Marian gathered about 1500 warriors equipped with more or less modern rifles, as well as 6 machineguns supplied by the British and one or two field guns, most likely of Dutch origin. The Italians kept about 400 Dubati in the area and additional force in reserve in Warder.**

The fighting erupted on 5th of December 1934. The Ethiopians descended upon Dubati troops, who immediately called for help. Captain Cimmarutta, responsible for the defensive effort, soon organized the column of colonial troops supported by a few Ro.1 light aircraft that strafed Ethiopian lines causing panic (some of the troops saw a flying machines for the first time), as well as a couple of tankettes and armoured cars.**

Historically, the Dubati held firm, the advantage in weapons and reconnaissance gave the Italians a clear victory against numerically superior enemy. Gabre Mariam's forces soon routed in panic and the Italians overran the Ethiopian camps causing dozens of casualties to the Ethiopians.**

Yet, even though the Ethiopians were clearly the cause of the incident, the Italians were deemed responsible. In return, the Ueluel incident was the direct reason for Mussolini to order the military conquest of Ethiopia. A few months later, the African country would be invaded and occupied after a swift Italian victory. Occupation lasted till early summer 1941, when the entirety of Ethiopia was liberated by the Allies during so called East African Campaign.**

When playing against the AI, Player should take Italian side.
NOTE: Ethiopians do not exist in game OOB. They were recreated as carefully as possible from the "green" army.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources, also worth to mention the website wojna-mussoliniego.pl
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Old August 27th, 2018, 01:11 PM

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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Historically were the Italians short on ammo? Most of my units at the base ran out of ammo.

I managed a 3:1 MV but given a few more turns I think the Ethiopian hoards would have over run my position. I stopped them just inside the trench. It was touch and go until the very end.

Flanking units captured the Ethiopian V hexes.
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Old August 29th, 2018, 12:15 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Historically they did not, the reinforcements brought some ammo. But I resigned from this concept in the end to make it a little harder. It generally relies on long range firefights a lot
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Old September 17th, 2018, 05:30 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition


This one covers one of the most important engagements of the Hungarian army during WW2. The Hungarian Rapid Corps - Gyorshadtest - was the frontguard of southern axis of advance against Soviet troops encircled and destroyed in Uman Pocket in late July-early August 1941.

Here is the detailed text:

South of Uman*
Date: Last days of July 1941*
Location: Tauzne village area, 10km east of Khayvoron, 50km south of Uman, modern central Ukraine*
Type: Hungarian advance vs. Soviet delay*
Operation Barbarossa started on 22nd June 1941. Kingdom of Hungary, at first, did not participate in the conflict. However, just four days later, on 26th of June, Soviet Air Force bombed targets around hungarian city of Kassa, prompting Hungary to declare war a day later.**

Hungarian participation in Barbarossa was mostly the war path of so called Carpathian Group. This army-sized formation consisted of several corps, but one of those, soon to employed by the Germans in vital areas of teh front, was Hungarian Rapid Corps - or Gyorgshadtest. The Rapid Corps represented the very best of Hungarian army... but still little compared to the Germans or the Soviets. The unit consisted of two motorized brigades and a cavalry brigade, as well as couple of independent corps attachments. Half the trucks were in fact civilian. Half the infantry was bicycle based. Only tanks employed were light Toldi tanks, a licenced version of Lansverk M/38 tank with 20mm autocannon. Italian Ansaldo tankettes were also used. AT batteries relied mostly on 37mm guns, unable to fight with T-34s. Yet, esprit de corps was good, and so was the training.**

Rapid Corps was chosen to participate as a spearhead of the southern sector during battle of Uman against Soviet 6th, 12th and 18th Armies - the battle was supposed to open way for Kiev yet in August. While 16th Panzer Division was cutting the cauldron from the north, Hungarians were ordered to advance on the southern axis, against Soviet 12th and 18th Armies and reach the city of Pyervomaysk. On 28th of July, cavalry brigade from the Rapid Corps forced the river and captured a town of Khayvoron (with its bridges), allowing the motorozied elements of the Rapid Corps to cross the Dnieper and carry on towards its objective.**

This is where the scenario starts. You are in command of Hungarian 2nd Motorized Brigade minus one motorized battalion awaiting in direct pursuit reserve. Cavalry Brigade is still take a rest after some bloody fight. The 1st Brigade awaists your progress - they want to meet Germans in Pyervomaysk in 3 days time. You command the mixed recon battalion, two battalions of motorized infantry and a bicycle battalion, as well as additional Corps assets. Use them well and avoid unneccessary losses.**

There no detailed intel about the situation. All is in haste and chaos. Hungarian commands wants you to break any Soviet resistance around villages of Vilkovyetskie, Trakt and Tauzhne. We expect Soviet forces to be totally disorganized, any defences will be prepared in haste since majority of their forces tries to flee to the east towards Kiev. Be vigilant though, Soviet numbers are still formidable and their rearguard may still be able to bite. The terrain is however mostly open, any maneuvers should be noticeable quickly.**

There is also a village of Moschchene to the north. Your bicycle battalion is already on it. The remnants of Soviet troops defending Khayvoron retreated there, we expect a depleted battalion at most.**

Secure the road towards Pyervomaysk so other elements of the Rapid Corps may follow-on. We must close the pocket to ensure the destruction of dozens of divisions.**

When playing against the AI, Player should take Hungarian side.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources, scenario is semi-historical (there is no detailed account on Hungarian chase to Pyervomaysk)
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Old January 6th, 2019, 03:11 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Originally Posted by SaS TrooP View Post
Starting now,


How do you like this.......... ?

Still an experimental idea ATM but I noticed this scenario had camps and camps made me think of tents that this is the result

They are unlikely to be the style the Ethiopians used but this was what I came up with. you look at it and it's a "tent"

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Old January 6th, 2019, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

This looks superb! I just wonder though, they have markings for Green player. Are they considered the same way as grounded aircraft in UN?
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Old January 6th, 2019, 10:18 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Basically, yes.

Right now they are an experiment using an unused vehicle class in the Green OOB so they have no speed and a crew of one. They can "hold" up to 254 so about the same as a Landing craft...so you could hide a tank in one ( there may be adjustments... )

Because they are "vehicles" ( as are the grounded aircraft ) they can be positioned facing in any direction but once the scenario starts they would remain fixed as placed. I could add them to as buildings but we would not want them being placed by the AI so for limited scenario usage using them not unlike the grounded aircraft would be the best option.

Testing beyond placing has not been done.....as a vehicle with no armour they would be easy to "kill" and would burn like a truck would but they are tents and you wouldn't want to be in one when someone is hosing them down with MG fire.

*IF* I do leave them in they would be simply something a scenario designer could use ....so rarely but still handy to have for limited use


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Old January 6th, 2019, 11:04 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

So far so good..... they aren't doing anything I don't want them to do. The only downside so far is even though I have given them zero cost the game gives them 1 point of cost each which is not really a problem I can see

They would have only limited use in scenarios but handy to have if you need one to " dress things up a bit"

I will do further tests tomorrow

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Old January 7th, 2019, 04:10 PM
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Default Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Good it triggered some good stuff for upcoming patch, waiting eagerly to see it in-game! :3
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