And now for something new...It's probably to be fielded around
late-2018/early 2019. It's called the
GRKPBV90. The plan will be equip the five CV9040 mechanized battalions of the
Swedish Army with
eight CV90 twin 120 mm Mjolner mortar systems. Each will have a
Bv 206 tracked articulated all terrain ammo carrier.
And the last para should end any continuing "
what if's" concerning the
STRIX, kind've like the M&M's Christmas time commercial where Santa Claus (You can believe in worse.

) arrives to drop gifts and sees two M&M's sitting in the chair and says "They do exist!!" and passes out. Well they do exist and it seems they can still get them, which of course I've been saying for many years now.
What I didn't realize was the range was further than I thought at
7500m/7.5km/4.7mi. (Rounded off.) I always thought it was something just over 5000m.
Again I like learning new things!
This begs the following two questions but, I think they do...
1. Are the Swiss armed with the
STRIX as JANE's reports?
2. Will the
GRKPBV90 have a direct fire capability of the
ATMOS system.
The next would be a great addition with it ever gets done. The important thing with the following it's still in continuing development and lately with Poland. I like systems like this, which is why once in awhile as a change of pace I'll reach into the Allies section and pull out a platoon of Italian
CENTAURO's for fun.
While I'm here about a year ago I posted on the following now a prototype was shown at
AUSA 2017 and this is one of the top defense industry shows. Generally if it makes it there, it's coming to a battlefield near you, well sometime down the road anyway...
If you remember a couple of weeks ago my
BRADLEY crew guy "
JAKE" told me they experimented with the
APACHE 30mm being equipped on a
BRADLEY (I commented on that in the Thread.) well, it looks like at least a modified version will be mounted on the above. I'll let him know about that when I go back to work Tue.
And one last thing, I do hold back on articles or drop "hints" of things to come in the hope that I'll start patch submission work again. Health is good and have lost 40lbs in a healthy way. That's what started my issues about the same time Andy and Don were having their vacation. It's been difficult to bounce back with family and my job to find and
I REALLY HATE TO USE THIS WORD, the motivation to do Patch work at this time. However due to certain other folks out here
REDCOAT2 and Don as usual I've had the most active last few months in a longtime. I've never stopped reading my "papers" so I've stored A
LOT OF DATA, many recently posted by others. With that in mind I'll try to do a better job of getting these out when I see someone else post on the same. The more evidence the better chance it has of getting in the game.
A team effort is never a wasted effort. With the above in mind and
if it's not too much of a bother, if these get used please let me know so
I can delete them from my files. Just in my SPA/SPAA file alone I have
over 150 articles not including some in a by country general bookmark that were outside of that file before I made it. I think a couple of you might've figured out what a part of my issue is also. One file for each Thread I started in the Forum. And to think I pulled all that together for a handful of years. God I don't know how Andy and Don have done it for so long?
But I'm glad they have.
Anyway I believe the oldest goes back to March this year and I'll hopefully have them in a proper order from as always old on top. Topic recently posted Turkish