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Old May 20th, 2022, 07:33 PM
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Default Re: SP and SPAA Developments

They were not designed to be invulnerable. Players would complain
They were not intended to be game-changing but they can be very useful in targeting arty and NLOS weapons

Movement attracts attention. Don't fly them over enemy lines and if possible start them about 3/4 the way to your front line at high altitude and don't move them unless you have to. Remember they can land just like helos and just like they can in RL so when things get hot drop behind the trees OO LOS

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old May 22nd, 2022, 09:47 AM
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Default Re: SP and SPAA Developments

Not related to this threads topic but.........PTKM-1R top- attack antitank mine


This mine is made of a transport/launcher element and on the is planted by hand and comes in the form of a cylinder 510 mm high with a diameter of 220 mm, its weight being 19.9 kg of which 2.8 kg is the weight of explosive contained in the warhead. Once the deployment area is reached, the operator plants the mine; he releases the retaining bag, allowing the eight legs that in transport mode are folded along the body to open up. These form the base that gives stability to the PTKM-1R, keeping it in the upright position, two of them hosting seismic sensors. Releasing the bag also allows the four acoustic sensors at the top of the mine transport/launcher element to spring up and deploy into their operational position. After six minutes, the delay mechanism puts the mine in stand-by mode. Vibrations received by acoustic sensors when a vehicles gets closer than 100 meters wake-up the PTKM-1R which enters in combat mode, the upper element tilting by 30 degrees.

The PTKM-1R can destroy targets travelling at a maximum speed of 50 km/h, and is fitted with a self-destroying mechanism that can be programmed from one to 10 days. It can operate at temperatures between –40°C up to 70°C. A typical use is to block a road, platting some mines at a distance between 10 and 40 meters from the road itself, or generating a minefield planting mines at 100 meters distance between them. According to images provided by Rosoboronexport, the PTKM-1R is designed to attack from the top the weakest parts of a main battle tank, therefore the warhead is aimed at the powerpack, which is usually installed at the rear of the MBT and is not much protected, air intakes being normally on the top.

The only "good" thing about this is it's not buried so it's not exactly a discrete mine being 20 inches tall and seems to be more of a "disabler" than a "destroyer"

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old May 23rd, 2022, 06:09 PM

Steves308 Steves308 is offline
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Default Re: SP and SPAA Developments

I'm playing a generated campaign game as the USA in 2022 and I just noticed the drones under the scout helo group. So I have bought one for my next round of the campaign and will give a try, interested to see how long it lasts until ka-boom

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Old May 23rd, 2022, 06:52 PM
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Default Re: SP and SPAA Developments

Use them conservatively and they will last. They get you eyes on targets even when near the back of your maps side over a wider area than a FO but try to avoid attracting attention. The US switchblades are in the 707 - Ranger Squad and 107 NLOS ATGM Team... They can be effective but they are deliberately not magic bullets

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?

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Old May 24th, 2022, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: SP and SPAA Developments

Originally Posted by DRG View Post
Also suggested is that the few 2S35 Koalitsiya the Russians have are based on the T-90 chassis not the Armata and this proves to be a valid point and the wheels are the clue



2S35 Koalitsiya

Armata has 7 solid wheels--no indents, T90 6 wheels with 6 indents per wheel

Original info suggested this was to be built on the T-14 but it appears not or there just where not enough T-14 chassis to fill the order so the early versions are hybrids........ time will tell but I will "adjust" the Icon

FWIW it *appears* that although the wheels may be from the T-90 the hull does indeed appear to be based on the Armata

SPA 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV, SPA 2S35 Koalitsiya-SV with radar, SPA 2S19M2 Msta-S and MLRS 9K515 Tonado-S top view.

The hull is longer than a T-90 but all side shots of that SP show 6 wheels with 6 indents per wheel

So the current Icon is correct for hull length though I need to adjust the turret position a bit

"You are never to old to rock and roll if you are too young to die".--- What do you expect to be doing when you are 80?


Last edited by DRG; May 27th, 2022 at 09:36 AM..
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Old May 27th, 2022, 01:19 AM

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Fallout Re: SP and SPAA Developments

Well during this "lull" I got to thinking about what we use to tow the M777 series artillery? Well, it's not an APC since they sit too low to the ground, thus forming a "V" if you will beyond anything more than a trailer.

And if you've towed anything in your life then you know this "V" causes ground clearance, loading/unloading, side to side "swing" and most importantly makes the load unstable. You as close you can make it, NEED a "level plane" between the towing vehicle and the load.

These weapons (M777A2) were sent to the Ukraine with the support vehicles (Tow and ammo trucks.) used by the USA.

And between the USA/USMC they use three different trucks, 2 for the Army and one exclusively (With exception of FMTV for HIMARS) for Marines. Again, these trucks are what both these services use(ed) for many years now for towing artillery and of course by extension, general purpose.

So, from/for the USA ...
(The pictures I've seen show the 6x6 VERSION.)
(I haven't come across any pictures so far that they're being used for the purpose of this POST.)
(In a combat environment they'll have the ARMORED cab and likely be equipped with a machine gun.

For the CORPS...
(I've seen/touched the Tractor version with armored cab, pretty impressive for a truck.)

Maybe it could possibly be a rainy-day thing!?!

And as Don pointed out ...
And uses components of the ...

This next I believe is finishing up its evaluation testing.

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Last edited by FASTBOAT TOUGH; May 27th, 2022 at 01:31 AM..
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Old May 29th, 2022, 01:43 AM

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Fallout Re: SP and SPAA Developments

Inching closer and closer...

Also, those HARPOONS are verified to be in country as of yesterday with the mobile launchers apparently as well from Denmark (With our permission.). They can be used against land targets as well. These WILL give the Russians something to think about and plan around in future sea operations.

I'm NOT advocating for these weapons (Or any type of cruise missiles.) for the game since there's no added value except for how expensive they are and you as the player would go broke quickly! That goes for tactical nukes as well, afterall this isn't "Tactics II" or "Sixth Fleet". Those threads are in here somewhere about a decade back or so.

"If something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it." - Sir Nicholas Winton

"Ex communi periculo, fraternitas" - My career long mentor and current friend -QMCM/SS M. Moher USN Ret..

Last edited by FASTBOAT TOUGH; May 29th, 2022 at 02:05 AM..
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Old May 30th, 2022, 02:22 AM

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Fallout Re: SP and SPAA Developments

In this ever-changing situation sources are now confirming that 6 (Another 6 to follow.) French CAESER 6x6 (With "BONUS" rounds and 18 Polish KRABs (3 Ukrainian batteries.) are in the fight. One of the articles pointed out 100 artillery men have been in Poland for some time to get trained on them and their accompanied ammo resupply units (This is true for ALL foreign "donated" artillery. These SPA units are auto fed.)

Now to the CAESAR first from an earlier discussion on shoot-n-scoot ...
"But for quick shoot-and-scoot fires, a CAESAR crew can begin firing 60 seconds after arriving on position and decamp within 40 seconds. That means a CAESAR unit can begin rolling away less than three minutes after deploying, well before a counterbattery riposte can land."

Some are suggesting they have also received the Italian modified M109L.

This is not true at this time, however they will get them in the not-too-distant future. This is a unique version in that it doesn't have the existing 23 caliber barrel but was modified with a 39 caliber barrel instead.

"If something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it." - Sir Nicholas Winton

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Old May 30th, 2022, 02:56 PM

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Fallout Re: SP and SPAA Developments

Well, POTUS has decided NOT to send HIMARS/or MRLS to the Ukraine for fears they'll be used to target units inside Russian territory. As announced today.

There are a couple of options they can send them with the shorter-range rockets and still accomplish the mission for the Ukraine. Next, we can send them M109A5/A6 which can do the same easily as well.

Why? because those options above and with the recently received SPA systems and those that "are on the way, have all one thing in common they'll for the most part out range anything in the field Russia is using.

Obviously, I'm NOT talking about the

Which are known to be operating on the Russian border. There are other Russian units NOT YET FIEIDED that will have similar or slightly better ranges then the systems above.

The TORNADO-G has a new rocket in development that'll supposedly reach out to 90km-100km. These (AND THOSE ABOVE.) are ideal for where the battle is now focused on the Eastern part of Ukraine.

There is however a couple of quantifiers dealing with their rocket supply. At the rate they're using them their stocks are running low quickly. Also, if true, the munitions plant that made the rocket propellants was "mysteriously" blown up a couple of months back. The plant was located about 400 miles East of Moscow in the Ural Mountains.

The supply issue is reported by U.S./UK and other Defense sources. The plant not so sure without more information.

To my last post the fastest known SPA system is the ARCHER with prep to fire in 30s interval between fires is at or less than 30s so it can fire 2 rounds and "shoot-n-scoot" in ~<2 minutes!
(It was one of my earliest submissions I believe in this thread before changing formats.)

"If something is not impossible, there must be a way of doing it." - Sir Nicholas Winton

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Last edited by FASTBOAT TOUGH; May 31st, 2022 at 01:30 PM..
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Old May 31st, 2022, 04:58 PM

whdonnelly whdonnelly is offline
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Default Re: SP and SPAA Developments

I've been playing with the RPAS drones lately. The fact that they are transportable with no cost comes in very handy. Getting an idea of how visible they are to enemy is ongoing, but the spotting function with the switchblades works like a charm.
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