
July 8th, 2002, 12:31 PM
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Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
It is written in the Book of Cyril
"And lo, verily it is foretold that a new cantina will arise from the ashes liketh unto spring flowers after rain, that said cantina will be a place of peace and tranquility, of grand cuisine, pleasant company and decent ale, and any peasant drinking crappy American beer will have done to them what God did'eth unto the sodomites, and if they then mess with the fluffy bunny waitresses (who have been practicing their samba'ing on copacabana beach and getting tans) they will have done to them what the sodomites did to one another..."
From the Book of Gertrude
"And verily, utilising the financial and industrial might of Tigg-A PLC (traded on 4 separate bourse and darling of them all), a new Bar& Grill has arisen, phoenix-like, from the ashes of its predecessor, as good as it ever was and now inflammable and indestructible to boot"
And from the Book of Wandering About Inanely
"and in the month of Jeroboam, a weary traveller was wandering in the deserts south of Sarmatia to attend the consensus in the promised land..and came across an oasis of light in the desert.. the traveller was amazed at the quality of the food and beverage at 'Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill" and even more amazed that it was run by a large Tiger and a short sighted Gryphon.. and as for the resident all-girl Samba band.. "Yowser" thought the traveller..."
And from the CAMRA Beer Guide
"The landlords and cellar masters of Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill take pride in the qulaity of the ales they serve to their discerning patrons. No pissy American beer is allowed within 100 yards of the place and any shandy drinking lager-wusses are unceremoniously evicted before they can contaminate the locals. The beer is good, is extremely strong and for the opening month only, is completely free as apparently some bloke called Saxon is picking up the tab"
And from the Michelin Restaurant Guide.
"Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill is a true masterpiece of combining modern culinary practices and styles with a fusion of real world blends... before the, ahem, mishap, the Old Bar & Grill was famous for pizzas and chilli, these days, you are more likely to sit down to a dozen Pacific Oysters served Charentaise, followed by Pickled Eggs a la Morroccan rif and a side order of pork crackling in thai sauce.. and the poission a la greque served with pomme frites (calientes of course) with pureed petit pois is just fantastic - and as for the samba band!!!"
And from Entertainment Tonight
"If you are young, hip, cool or just looking for a good time, Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill is fantastic, it is the place to be and is as happening as anywhere in the galaxy..although judging by the floorshow, it should be possibly
be renamed Ye New Galactic Bare & Girls if you get my drift.. seriously, no place on the planet knows how to party on like this place... and dont be put off by the fact that a bird and a large Tiger appear to run the show.. these guys really now how to have a good time"
Ook ook ook ook OOK

July 8th, 2002, 02:56 PM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
Originally posted by The High Gryphin:
Spiffily clad in the new image of the New Ye Old Bar and Grill, (thanks to the personal designers employed by Tigg-A PLC), Scanning the new environs, Going over the new menu in my head, Thanking the wisdom of the Tigga for saving us from wussiy Ammerican beer. Checking the ballence on Saxons tab, Checking the Fluffy Bunnies new out fits, (I didn’t know it was possible to make them smaller), A moment of silence for the old place…..
and not looking in any way shape or form like a moustachioed Version of that Ferengi bar owner in Deep Space 9 
[ July 08, 2002, 13:57: Message edited by: Growltigga ]
Ook ook ook ook OOK

July 8th, 2002, 03:14 PM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
Dressed for the occasion, Mac strolls into the new cantina, aaahhhhh, refreshing place, he picks out a new table near the back wall, reclines in the new reclining table chairs and orders a cappachino. One of the Fluffy Bunnies, walks over and gives him a new menu, of course, mac, being of scientific mentality, does indeed notice the new fluffy bunnies outfits, most gratifying to see not everything has changed from the old place, in fact they appear even better then before he thinks to himself as he oogles the new outfits....
As he's reading the new menu, he observes not ONE BUT TWO Liz Hurly look-a-likes working within the establishment.... Oh my, Oh My, he says to himself as he downs more glycering pills, this is outstanding. Double the pleasure
Mac reads the menu and sees that new cuesine section which includes the old Favorites of pizza, calzones and chili, but now includes Tesco
's and Puke's infamous Sauces, Steak, Various Sushi dishes, burgers & fries, Chips, and a number of new international dishes as well, In addition, he observes that international ales, beer etc have been added to the good old American brewskis and a new wine list... aaahhh, this is better then home.
He also notices a Tazmainian Devel working as a bartender behind the bar swirling & mixing drinks....
After placing his order for some bacon & eggs, orange juice and toast, Mac observes the new Cream Pie automatic dispenser, the automatic robo dog poo scouper, the new improved, exceeding large rose bushes outside the windows, the larger circle bar, the Auto Kat Scratcher in the far cornor, the Gryphin Toe Nail clipper Salon off the side aisle, the raised band platform and dancing area and next to the dance floor a brand new old fashion JUKEBOX with all kinds of tunes, oldies, rock, classic, blues, opera, and more along with a PopCorn Machine. oh my goodness this place is going to rooocccckkkk.
He also notices a very large sign above the entrance.... PLS CHECK IN ALL MECHANICAL/ORGANIC/OR OTHER TYPE WEAPONS AT THE WEAPONS CHECK IN COUNTER PRIOR TO ENTERING.... lot good that sign will do, he chuckles to himself. Mac's food arrives delivered by no less then both Liz Hurly look a likes, he engrosses himself amongst the cuesine and very outragesous sights.... (he also advises the bunnies to put the bill on the Saxon's tab)
Just some ideas Mac
[ July 08, 2002, 14:28: Message edited by: mac5732 ]
just some ideas Mac
BEWARE; crochety old geezers play SE4, in between bathroom runs
Phong's Head Parking

July 8th, 2002, 03:30 PM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
I forgot to mention,
I leave the simbiotic life form at the door. No stetsons, and no line dancing music.

July 8th, 2002, 03:31 PM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
Realizing that he has to spend yet another day at his misrable job at a rapidly failing dotcom, Trajan runs into the bar; notices that it is cocktail hour somewhere; sits down on a comfortable new barstool; orders a bottle of the peatiest single malt Scotch available; toasts the earlier guests, the bartender and scantily clad wait staff then begins to drink himself blind.
'To slander, Trajan paid little heed, and he was no slave of anger.'
-Dio Cassius, Book LXVIII

July 8th, 2002, 04:20 PM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
a large bottle of whisky is placed in front of Trajan with the compliments of the house.. a Liz Hurley-esque FBW is ordered to sit in Mac's lap and wriggle a bit and a large glass of Chablis (no one drinks Chardonnay any more!!) is handed to Gryphin....
the lights in the Cantina fade out, the curtains on the stage (cunningly installed in the side of the Cantina) open, the orchestra launches into the first few bars, a horde of sequined high kicking chorus girls run onto the stage from the wings and a giant staircase is lowered from ceiling.... with a flourish and a grin, and accompanied by two of the loveliest FBW to grace the planet, Growltigga, immaculate in his tailored dinner jacket, tails and tophat, twirling a cane and just looking the rat's nadgers, descends the stair, the crowd go wild and the first chorus of "I'm just a gigolo, and everywhere I go...." sounds over the Cantina...
happy days
Ook ook ook ook OOK

July 8th, 2002, 05:29 PM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
News of the new cantina reaches Gandalph's ears. "Perhaps it's time to check out this social club of sorts", he thinks to himself. He casts a transport spell and finds himself sitting at a table in a dimly lit casual dining hall with music playing in the back. A fluffy bunny comes to his table to see what he wants. He orders a slice of pizza and an amber ale and thinks to himself, "This could be a nice place to let go once in a while."
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

July 9th, 2002, 01:52 AM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
Spiffily clad in the new image of the New Ye Old Bar and Grill, (thanks to the personal designers employed by Tigg-A PLC), Scanning the new environs, Going over the new menu in my head, Thanking the wisdom of the Tigga for saving us from wussiy Ammerican beer. Checking the ballence on Saxons tab, Checking the Fluffy Bunnies new out fits, (I didn’t know it was possible to make them smaller), A moment of silence for the old place…..
Life is Good,

July 9th, 2002, 03:04 AM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
Puke stumbles in from the VIP room and pulls up a bar stool.
"Saxon has a open tab? Spatten, then. The Optimator."
"What do you mean the old place burnt down, I've been in the VIP room with a FBW the whole time. Nope, I hadn't seen one in fetish-ware before either."
"Hmm, this place does look a bit remodled. Nice menu too, send over some of the habinjero stuffed olives."
"Yeah, thats my dreadnaught in the parking lot. Inertialess. Sweet little number, neh?"
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)

July 9th, 2002, 04:22 AM
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Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours
Fyron, not caring too much for "formal" clothing, just walked in with his normal clothes on. He sat next to Puke and said, "Hmm... those habinjero stuffed olives look good." He called over a FBW and ordered some.
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