Well I think i'm finally over this darn...whatever this is. My chest is clearing, and so's my head, perhaps.
Coliseum: The feature set for 1.6 is just about finalized I think. Adding the "quest" option, fixing all the remaining little glitches and bugs, getting the music to where it works for everyone, no more "Error 9" for anyone I think, and adding displayed a playoff seedings and progression screen, even if you don't make the playoffs yourself. Adds a little realism. And adding a few new enchantments as well. Pretty good stuff I think.
OT: Curse non-standard equipment on cars! I own a 2003 Saturn Ion, and I had to drive an hour away to Fresno (the nearest dealership) to get my oil and other maintainance stuff done. Many standard shops around here tell me it uses non-standard equipment and filters...ugh! What a racket they've got going.
Thankfully within a few months, most shops tell me they'll have the equipment to do it, and I can pay Wal-Mart or something $18 to do it routine stuff, instead of $40+ at this dealership. No more new, first-year model cars for me.