No Joy
Three steps forward but one step back
Icons entered with this version are skewing the icons again in MOBHack .
They work OK in the game at all zoom levels but they have to work in MOBHack and they did and now they don't again
I added five and they all do the same thing
Mobhack needs to be included in your checking routine as both have to work with this and both have their own "gotcha's'
If that can be fixed you have a winner. Being able to drop the BMP into the file is nice but ..
The centering cross only moves when you release it after it is clicked on.
Allow it to be held down so that it scrolls ( not too fast.....) in the direction you want when you click on the appropriate button rather than clicking 30 times to center it where it needs to be
Adding one or two icons it's not an issue..... entering dozens it gets old real fast