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Old July 25th, 2004, 02:11 AM

The Panther The Panther is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

I messed around with the void summoning thing quite a bit before I got the hang of it. Some things to consider:

1. Be DARN sure you put the right guy in there. Only one guy can go in safely, the starspawn priest (I think that is his name). NEVER EVER put your god in there, that is total disaster. Other mages (like your god) have something like a 50% chance to go stupid. This also means the void gate is useless to any race that wipes out R'lyeh sice they cannot recruit starspawn priests.

2. Go +3 luck to try and get good old Chithgul to join you early in the game. He almost never goes insane. Somewhere on this site, they say that Chithgul has only a 2% chance to go stupid each time he is successful or attacked. It is 5% per occurance (not per turn as uneventful turns do not count) for the regular priests.

3. Make sure you have five bodyguards early on for the summoner. Research up to the ritual of returning or some such nonsense like that. That way you are safe from most everything except a vastness or multiple GOs early on.

4. The void troops are the ONLY sacred troops that R'lyeh can get. That in itself makes it nearly imperative that you use the void gate.

The Last time I played R'lyeh against the comps, my very first starspawn priest made it to something like level 25 summoning skill on about turn 80 when the game ended without going insane. I got one vastness and a whole host of GOs. Although I got whipped bad when the ultra-powerful Ermor CPU invaded the water and utterly slaughtered me (hehe).

I did like R'lyeh as a race. In fact, if you want to swap with me Pickles, I will take R'lyeh. It does sound like this particular map ought to have a water race.

[ July 25, 2004, 01:16: Message edited by: The Panther ]
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