View Full Version : Utility Simple Terrain Calculator...

January 14th, 2007, 02:51 AM
Attached is a simple terrain calculator that I wrote to support my current side project. Nothing fancy, just enter a province terrain value and it lists the terrain flags. Might be handy for someone other than myself, and it is much faster than doing it manually.

You will need Yabasic which can be found here:

Yabasic runs under Unix and Windows; it is small (around 200KB) and free.

January 14th, 2007, 07:20 AM
For those that prefer Perl, here's my similar function (from my perl dom library project).

The function return an array with the list of all types.

# extract list of terrain types from the numeric code
sub get_terrain_types_from_code($); # function prototype, prevent warning when the function try to call itself recursively in strict mode
sub get_terrain_types_from_code($)
my $terrain_code = shift;

if ($terrain_code !~ /^[0-9]+$/)
error("[get_terrain_types_from_code] terrain code must be numeric value ('$terrain_code')");

my @terrain_types = ();

# terrain code is the sum of the successives individual terrain type code values
if ($terrain_code >= 4194304) # "edgemount" 4194304
# code >= 4194304 means that province type include "edgemount"
push (@terrain_types, "edgemount");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 4194304));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 2097152) # "priestsite" 2097152
# code >= 2097152 means that province type include "priestsite"
push (@terrain_types, "priestsite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 2097152));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 1048576) # "bloodsite" 1048576
# now you should know how it works ... ^_^
push (@terrain_types, "bloodsite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 1048576));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 524288) # "naturesite" 524288
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "naturesite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 524288));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 262144) # "deathsite" 262144
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "deathsite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 262144));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 131072) # "astralsite" 131072
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "astralsite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 131072));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 65536) # "earthsite" 65536
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "earthsite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 65536));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 32768) # "watersite" 32768
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "watersite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 32768));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 16384) # "airsite" 16384
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "airsite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 16384));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 8192) # "firesite" 8192
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "firesite");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 8192));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 4096) # "cave" 4096
# add the type to the list (at last : a true terrain type !)
push (@terrain_types, "cave");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 4096));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 2048) # "deep" 2048
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "deep");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 2048));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 1024) # "manysites" 1024
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "manysites");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 1024));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 512) # "nostart" 512
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "nostart");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 512));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 256) # "farm" 256
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "farm");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 256));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 128) # "forest" 128
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "forest");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 128));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 64) # "waste" 64
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "waste");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 64));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 32) # "swamp" 32
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "swamp");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 32));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 16) # "mountain" 16
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "mountain");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 16));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 8) # "somewater" 8
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "somewater");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 8));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 4) # "sea" 4
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "sea");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 4));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 2) # "large" 2
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "large");
# now get the other types (if any) by recursive call
push (@terrain_types, get_terrain_types_from_code($terrain_code - 2));
elsif ($terrain_code >= 1) # "small" 1
# add the type to the list
push (@terrain_types, "small");
# no other type, we're done

return @terrain_types;

Gandalf Parker
January 14th, 2007, 03:31 PM
Ballbarian said:
Attached is a simple terrain calculator that I wrote to support my current side project. Nothing fancy, just enter a province terrain value and it lists the terrain flags. Might be handy for someone other than myself, and it is much faster than doing it manually.

You will need Yabasic which can be found here:

Yabasic runs under Unix and Windows; it is small (around 200KB) and free.

Thank you Thank you.
Ive always hated bit-math