View Full Version : Online map file syntax checking and map randomizer

January 15th, 2007, 07:24 PM
The first version of my dominions perl library is done.

Currently there are function for map parsing/validation, functions to add random buildings and commanders to provinces, and of course a function to output the edited map code from the perl psudo-object

The library come with a test script (test.pl) as well as an online map validator/randomizer also available on my website , so you don't even need to install anything if you just want to randomize a map or two :


I have many plans for the future based on this library, such as semi-random provinces (randomly select random provinces/commanders from a preset library depending of the province terrain type(s) for exemple), and I can take suggestion, or even script requests.

And of course please report any bug that you could find with the application, thanks in advance.

January 18th, 2007, 08:37 PM
ew version at http://dominions.realites.org

- "greater manysites" now use list of pre-set provinces.
- map file upload instead of text area : the application now doesn't hang anymore with large map files

You can list all available special provinces at

This will list them all, and give the same map code that will be used by the script when editing map files. (yes, you can also copy/past the code in a map file manually if you want to test a province, and of course there might still be some errors, don't hesitate to post when you find one)

And of course the online tool will use those provinces (with full credit for the authors in the resulting map code) when you check the "greater manysites" option.

The list is *far* for complete, so I still take suggestions for new provinces (http://www.shrapnelcommunity.com/threads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=487848&page=0&view=collap sed&sb=5&o=&fpart=3&vc=1), as well as suggestion or request for new features.

Currently on my immediate TODO list :

- a pre-set province with a name should be unique in the final map
- add more pre set provinces so that each terrain type as at least some
- maybe making two versions of the random province function, one for land provinces and one for sea provinces (need list of IDs of units with ampibious or aquatic, even a partial list would be better than nothing). At worst I might just ignore random sea provinces and use instead preset ones (since very few units are aquatic in proportion to the huge number that exist, random units on land provinces usually don't drown, the reverse being false)

Your suggestions ?

January 19th, 2007, 06:26 PM
Another version :

- Results are now displayed full screen by default, exept in debug mode or if unrecognized lines are found.
(you can just use the "save page as ..." command of your browser to save the edited map)
- New option : "force full screen results"
- some small bug fixes
- provinces now list the number of sea and land neighbours, so it is now possible to identify a province as an island (land province with only sea neighbours), a lake, a coastal province, a peninsula, or even a province without any neighbours.