I don't know if this is a bug or a feature
I was involved in a boarding operation on an alien ship, when the sucker came to life and pounded me and my wingmate! EVIL!
So my corvette blew up, but my wing(wo)man finished off the alien ship and raided it. I transferred the cargo while the flaming wreckage of my corvette (and my warp drive *sob*) spun off into the distance.
Well here's the thing. I'm on her ship. Got a message that says "if your ship's damaged, click on it to repair it" but my ship isn't damaged - it's gone. I'm now flying my wingman's ship. So uh...what happened to her?
Bug? Feature?
Also, in the full game (which I ordered and am awaiting), can you change hulls during the game (other than this um, rather unorthodox way)?
Thanks for a great time killer. I haven't played SAIS before, and found this via QuarterToThree forums. Was very impressed with the demo - you guys got the space battles DOWN - and ordered nearly right away.