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Old July 12th, 2010, 02:58 PM

Hermit Hermit is offline
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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

The enemy infantry came on in a measured advance, but were halted for the most part by responsive cannon and MG fire from the advancing M26 Pershings. A few friendly support vehicles also advanced through breaks in the mine belt and added their firepower to the carnage. There must have been 3 or 4 enemy infantry companies advancing in both the southern and central sectors. The southern sector provided cover in the form of dense woods on the ridgeline they had crossed to reach our positions. We had to keep pummeling them with our SP artillery and vehicle fire before they finally broke and ran. They were able to damage a M19 SPAA (knocking out its twin 40mm) and a Pershing (coax MG gone) with sneaky little RG teams before the day was carried.

In the central sector, a scout team sent to assault immobilized enemy tanks lost their nerve at the last moment and ran back into cover when the T-34 began traversing its turret in their direction. A tandem team of engineers, under cover of thick smoke, was able to approach from the other side and made short work of the stranded vehicle. Not to be outdone (and with some urging from the battalion commander) the scouts redeemed themselves and proceeded to demolish a nearby enemy tank that was also broken down. Removing these sentinels opened the way for the remainder of southern battalion support vehicles (dozers, flails, and flame tanks) to advance through the smoke and up to the perimeter of the orchard. As in the southern sector, enemy infantry emerged from cover and smoke into a hail of fire (in this case, literally due to the flame tanks) and ended up a broken mass of humanity.

Through cat-n-mouse scouting, friendly helos were able to locate 10 enemy AA batteries, which were thereafter zeroed in on by friendly off-map artillery. Swooping in on the demoralized enemy positions, the helos were able to turn the tables on their former attackers, and gunned down the enemy crewmen as they ran. Muhaahaahaa!!

Needless to say, the enemy forces decided that pressing the attack was only suicidal, and they promptly fled the battlefield.
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Old July 12th, 2010, 03:25 PM

rainchild33082 rainchild33082 is offline
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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

Very good work! I like it!
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Old July 12th, 2010, 08:06 PM

Hermit Hermit is offline
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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

Orders have arrived to make an advance into Chinese-held territory, farther up the Korean Peninsula. It's January 1952 and boy, is it cold out! There is snow everywhere, with some drifts high enough to swallow a whole vehicle. Getting up and down the ridges in front of our objectives is going to be especially difficult with all the snow and ice. At least most of the trees have lost their leaves, and there are plenty of them out there.

At least we got some new equipment. All of our M26 Pershings have been replaced by the new M47 Pattons, and each battalion has been strengthened by the permanent attachment of an additional infantry platoon. We have received additional support from division HQ, composed of two battalions of 105mm artillery, four Chaffee light tanks and 4 mechanized infantry platoons. Air support has also been promised, but whether it will arrive, or do any good in this terrain, who can say. At least the whether is holding out, with great visibility. While it bodes well for the promised air support, it will also give the enemy a good view of our approach in the open areas.

As our forces entered the tactical area of operations, the enemy let loose with a barrage of 75, 122, and a few 152mm tubes. They seemed to be searching at random for something to shoot at, although some seemed focused on the roads cutting through the woods in the center of the area. Counter-battery fire seemed partially effective, but I suspect they'll continue to be a problem for some time. What surprised the hell out of our top brass was the arrival of two enemy attack aircraft. We all think they were MiG-15's of some sort, although it's difficult to be sure. We weren't even sure if they were ours or theirs at first, since they just swooped down and shot at something in the saddle of the ridgeline that we couldn't see. Because of the delay in realizing they were enemy, hardly any of our boys even took a shot at them. I'm sure they'll be back...
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Old July 13th, 2010, 11:47 AM

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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

Progress in this snow is such slow going that Division sent up some transports for us. Its the new all-tracked vehicles with some cover overhead. That'll sure help keep us warmer with this cold weather, and ward off some of that shrapnel from artillery barrages, but it's going to be more difficult to watch out for the enemy. Unfortunately, they're not powerful enough to pull the big AT guns with the battalion, so we've had to leave those behind. That's a shame, because they sure come in handy to blunt enemy counterattacks that try to do a flanking maneuver. Let's hope the Colonel puts out some flanking units of our own to keep an eye out.

The attack has been split into 4 prongs, 1/2 of each battalion going behind the mech infantry platoons that were sent up from division. Those guys get cushy jobs back in the reserve, but they always seem to get put out ahead when its their turn to get called up to the front. I'm not sure I'd trade with them.

Helos scouted the open terrain on the northern edge of the area, overlooked by a 20 meter hill. Sure enough, there were a few enemy squads forming a blocking force there. Some of the spare APC's (the one's that couldn't pull the big guns, duh!) and two of the Chaffee light tanks were manuevering up there for a look-see as well, followed by our recon platoon. The APC crews pulled into a shelter in the hill and climbed out to check things out, and immediately were taken under fire by some RG assault squads that remained unobserved with their winter white camoflage uniforms. One of the poor crewmen was killed, and the other guy ran off. The helos circled around blasting the area with their MG"s, but soon had to go back to re-arm. By that time, our recon platoon arrived and dismounted. The APC's provided suppression fire as the scouts moved in for a closer look, and our sniper team succeeded in taking out some of the enemy assault squads. The Chafees also provided longer range suppression with their cannon. Finding no heavier weapons in the area, Section A of 1st Battalion has been diverted to this area as a possible route through the enemy defenses.

Section B of 1st battalion has been stalled in the saddle of the ridgeline, as advance infantry sent through the saddle came under both tank and AT gun fire from another wooded hilltop about 1.5 km ahead. Smoke was place to block their line-of-sight, but flanking fire was then taken from the heavily wooded area off the the South once the pass was transversed. Units are dispersing behind the pass in case we were spotted and enemy artillery is inbound. They'll be held in reserve pending the progress of the other spearheads.

Section A of 2nd battalion has begun moving forward down the dirt road in the center of the map, with mech recon elements well ahead. Good thing, since they uncovered two 100mm enemy AT guns in the second woody ridge, that faces the first one we must cross. 10 minutes of friendly artillery fire convinced both crews to run (and then disperse). Long range tank fire was also received as our tanks crested the ridge, but manuevering through the woods avoided most of it, and none of our vehicles were hit. It was decided not to engage the enemy at long range due to the unnecessary risk.

The lead elements of Section B are just arriving on the scene of a hot firefight between the advance mech infantry platoon and enemy infantry in a clearing where a village abuts the Southern E-W road. About a company of enemy infantry was ultimately located, with several enemy teams destroyed at a cost of several of our men. The integral .30-cal MG team was pretty well taken out when enemy infantry was able to get close while enemy 60mm mortars provided heavy suppression fire. Had it not been for our own suppression fire from the APC's and the SPA 60mm mortar, it could have turned out badly. The enemy have been cleared from all five buildings, thanks in large part to the well placed shots of the bazooka boys, and direct fire from the SPA mortar. There are still several healthy enemy squads in the woods SW of the village, but they will now be bypassed for the support tanks to eliminate.
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Old July 14th, 2010, 09:44 AM

Hermit Hermit is offline
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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

1st Battalion A: Manuevering around to north side of map, ready to exploit breakthrough exposed by advance elements. Those elements have discovered a few more enemy infantry squads, but defenses are light and collapsing. 14.5mm AAMG's shot at helos cresting the ridge, but all three have been spotted and targetted by arty.

1st Bn B: Still stalled/in-reserve short of the saddle in the first ridgeline. Infantry continues to advance slowly. The T-34's and IS-2's that were previously overwatching the saddle have been encouraged to depart with heavy doses of artillery, but at least two, and perhaps three, un-spotted enemy 100mm AT guns continue to bombard the infantry. Waiting for infantry to enter woods on other side of valley to smoke the area, and then rush vehicles across the open space on the other side of the saddle. 105mm arty from division support has been peppering the wooded area for about 15 mins, and one helo ventured over the woods for a recon. Two obviously suppressed enemy infantry spotted in the woods on the fly-over, and five T-34's to the west in open area past woods.

2nd Bn A: Continued west up central road, linking up with forward recon in N-S gully, where the recon got stalled. Previously, across the almost open valley between the two N-S ridges, the other 105mm divisional battery has been hitting the woods, and dismounted mech infantry started across the open area. APC's waited in woodline on our side of the valley. Suddenly, heavy shots rang out and two AT rifles made multiple hits on the waiting transports from 400-500 meters away. One erupted in flames and the other was heavily damaged, although still mobile. One AT rifle was spotted out in the open by advancing infantry, but the other remains hidden. Based on the muzzle flashes, it is also somewhere out in the open behind a snowdrift. Lesson for the day: Sometimes the best place to hide is in plain sight. HQ never called arty on the open area, only the woods up ahead. Those division mech guys who will be walking home now will have plenty of time to think about why they weren't paying attention and looking for enemy AT ambushes

2nd Bn B: Also linked up with advance elements at the village on the southern E-W road. Another platoon, or maybe a whole company, of enemy infantry has been spotted (via muzzle flashes) in the woods beyond the village. Two more of our men won't be going home. Supporting fire from the new M47 Pattons caused several casualties, and three enemy squads were last seen fleeing back into the woods. The veteran troops of our battalion will be dismounting in the cover of the village and clearing the wooded area to the south of the town, with help from the infantry support tanks and accompanying APC's.
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Old July 15th, 2010, 10:16 AM

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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

1st Bn A: Advance elements peeking around the edge of the hill, checking for any enemy forces to the SW. Main force tanks are beginning to traverse northern base of hill. Infantry dismounting to clear out enemy infantry in woods on southern slope of hill.

1st Bn B: The expected barrage of enemy artillery finally arrived in the saddle. Several tubes of 122mm pounded the area, with only a few near misses pinging off friendly vehicles that were dispersed nearby. Infantry is almost across the valley and into the opposing woodline. Plotting smoke for the run across by the vehicles.

2nd Bn A: Enemy infantry dispersed from the clearing, with 3 Chinese AT rifle teams ultimately destroyed. Long range fire from two enemy 100mm ATG's caught an APC unaware and destroyed it. Moving forward on and around the road at a slow pace.

2nd Bn B: Moving slowly down road while friendly infantry and support vehicles hunt down remaining enemy soldiers.
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Old July 20th, 2010, 05:28 PM

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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

1st Bn A: Two mech inf squads made it into the woods SW of hill with their APC's. Chaffee's are right behind. Small arms fire was taken from an enemy squad, so there are bad guys around, but only a few it seems. Main force tanks are almost across the back side of the hill.

1st Bn B: Infantry is across and in the woods. The vehicle dash has begun, and smoke is landing everywhere. One shot from an enemy T-34 missed and was immediately screened by smoke.

2nd Bn A: Continue moving forward slowly. Three more enemy assault teams were neutralized, but an enemy 100mm ATG scored a hit on the lead tank of the main force as it neared the edge of the woods. Main gun and AAMG were knocked out, and the crew almost bailed. Only the quick thinking of a nearby grunt squad saved it from total annihilation, when they popped a smoke round that obscured its withdrawal. A previously hidded SU-76 assault gun also managed to score a hit on one the the infantry taxis, which as usual erupted in a gout of fire. Friendy tanks were able to destroy the offending unit with return fire from about 1km away. The 100mm was also located and rendered ineffective by the two light attack helos, one taking fire from a hidden enemy grunt squad and it is returning to base for repairs. Another volley of enemy 60mm mortar fire caused most of our leg infantry to go to ground, delaying the advance.

2nd Bn B: In the woods to the south, one APC immobilized after it was ambushed by an RG Assault squad, although the enemy were fended off and destroyed by onboard infantry, who also took several casualties. Flame tanks destroyed two other enemy units, and we're chasing down a third. Main force continues to advance behind infantry guides.

Both elements of 2nd Bn are now being preceeded by barrages from the divisional 105mm batteries, since they have been taken off the suppression assignment in front of 1st Bn B. Intrinsic artillery continues to suppress AA, ATG and enemy armor with no LOS to friendly forces.
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Old July 23rd, 2010, 09:48 AM

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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

1st Bn A: Main force armor is in the woods. Mech elements from division have emerged from the woods and reached the base of the first large hill on the enemy's northern flank. Orders are to skirt the base of the hill around the NW side, being mindful of enemy AA guns that we know are on the hillside somewhere, and begin penetration into the rear areas. Go team go!

1st Bn B: All vehicles are safely across the vallely and into the perimeter of the woods. Three enemy assault teams have been encountered in the woods and engaged by our own men. One of our mech squads took a beating, but all three enemy infantry are on the run. Two heavily suppressed T-34's were still guarding the back-side of the woods, and used their machine guns to pin down our boys. A main force tank was able to get a clear shot at one of the tanks and it was engaged from 200m with devastating results. A third enemy tank is somewhere to the South, and very close, as it pounded one of our main force MG's that started suppression firing into the woods on the other side of the clearing. As an engineer team started moving south to assault that tank, two more disrupted (but still alert) enemy infantry squads laid into the engineers, who went to ground with only minor casualties. Instrinsic artillery fire has been requested to shift fire to the SW to suppress any other hidden enemy units on our flank as we prepare to cross the clearing. Also, we don't want to get our own heads blown off by friendly fire.

2nd Bn A: Main force units have advanced to the wooded base of a large hill that is part of the enemy's main defensive line. Using the woods and crest of a spur as cover, we are temporarily halting to regroup. A platoon of T-34's has been spotted on the NE side of the hill, in a slight saddle, that we had planned to use as our route of advance. We have requested that they be given a healthy dose of large metal objects falling from the sky before we proceed. Although our concentration of forces at the base of the hill is a bit risky, we have only received a sporadic peppering from enemy 60mm mortars anywhere in the area lately, and intel is confident that all large calibre enemy artillery has either been rendered ineffective or simply run out of ammunition. A probe of APC's with onboard infantry has been sent to explore the southern route (which also happens to be in the direction of one of our objectives). That route was initially rejected as too open and exposed to fire from any secondary defensive line. However, helo scouting and the lack of ANY fire from that quadrant makes it worth reconsideration. Unfortunately, our advancing infantry teams failed to spot a lone enemy unit, and before anyone had a chance to react, the "whoosh" of a rocket launcher broke the silence. The flash of light from a small stand of trees revealed the location of the enemy bazooka team, but not before they had turned one of the taxis into a pile of scrap. The advance infantry, obviously a little pissed off, returned heavy small arms fire, but only succeeded in driving the team to ground. One of the Sherman Dozer tanks manuevered for a clear view, and succeeded in killing the enemy team after a sustained period of cannon and MG fire from about 400 meters.

2nd Bn B: There is little to report in this sector, as we continue a slow advance behind scouting infantry. With no objectives in the area, the Colonel has allowed us to proceed with maximum caution, sniffing for another route into the enemy's rear. We are also to remain available as a reserve force, to head north as needed if group A becomes stalled or heavily engaged.
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Old July 27th, 2010, 10:43 AM

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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

1st Bn A: Three enemy 20mm AA were located when they shot at scouting APC's. All were destroyed by the Chaffees and main force tanks. The northern objective area was approached by some of the section, but section B arrived there first and the enemy fled the battlefield. Some units of section A drove into the enemy's rear area, but did not locate any enemy units.

1st Bn B: Indirect suppression fire by our flame tanks allowed friendly infantry to overrun the enemy infantry in the woods. Moving forward cautiously, the grunts were able to approach and destroy the two remaining T-34's in this wooded area. Mech units moved forward rapidly after this final breakthrough and were able to capture the northern objective, about 300 m past the woods, with minimal effort.

2nd Bn A: Main force tanks proceeded expeditiously through the break in the hills, destroying all three enemy T-34's while on the move. Fortunately, the fly-boys finally saw fit to make a pass over us, probably looking for those T-34's we called in about earlier. They spotted a whole company of the tanks in the flat area behind the large hill, which we might have blundered past. Then "Kapow!" you get sucker-punched in the back when you've driven past them. Instead, it was us that did the sucker-punching; we smoked them real good and then headed north to the Central objective, where we set up in cover of the woods on the far side and just waited. The mech boys kept driving north and took our objective, and when the Chinese counter-attacked with their tanks, we opened fire, just like making popcorn: pop, pop, pop-pop! Too bad, so sad.

2nd Bn B: Since section A was cut off from the Southern objective by a large group of enemy armor, section B turned north to attempt seizing it. This meant picking up the pace a little, and we lost our caution. Also, artillery was running out of ammo, so we weren't able to prep the area in front of our now rapidly moving force, and we paid for it. One of the flame tanks was toasted (literally) by a lone surviving enemy tank in the woods which had not been spotted by the advancing grunts. That turned out to be the worst of the remaining resistance. We spotted a few enemy squads, but they were quickly suppressed or driven off and we proceeded to take the objective with little further interference.
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Old July 27th, 2010, 11:56 AM

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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

The expected enemy counter-attack was both half-hearted and futile. About eight or nine enemy tanks were destroyed, as well as five or six enemy squads. The rest of their infantry units retreated behind smoke, and soon all resistance crumbled as the enemy left the battlefield to the victors. Post-battle analysis showed that the enemy still had a substantial number of infantry units in the large woods to the SE of the central objective, but most were in various states of distress. Several enemy armored units were scattered about, almost all having been immobilized by artillery during the battle. Enemy casualties were heavy, and ours light by comparison:

1 Sherman flame tank destroyed (and crew cooked alive)
5 divisional APC's destroyed
4 tanks heavily damaged
2 helos lightly damaged
3 divisional 1/2 tracks (gun or mortar) damaged
81 men lost
1 aircraft lightly damaged

Apparently the French are having a hard time in Vietnam, and we've been ordered to pack up and ship out the provide assistance. The mission will be to assault VietMinh positions in the highlands on two adjacent mountains, each with a double camel-back ridgeline. Intel says the terrain around the mountains is fairly flat, but with quite a bit of jungle. There appears to be a corridor of loosely connected clearings that would make a good east-to-west route of advance. We're scheduled to attack just after first light when the visibility will be about 500 meters. That sounds good to me, since we'll be able to see where we're going, but it won't allow the Viet-Minh on the mountains to see us coming and fire on us from long range.

We thought HQ might abandon the flame tanks, especially since one got destroyed in the last mission and they're no longer in production. However, I heard they might be useful in that jungle terrain for smoking (haha) out the enemy, so they went ahead and shipped us one from the reserves and plenty of spare parts. We didn't receive any other upgraded equipment, just repairs for our damaged units, and then we had to load up for the trip overseas.

Divisional HQ said there will be plenty of air support this time, with both fighter-bombers and close support bombers on call. The French also had two Russian advisor helo pilots defect with their Mil-1's that they've agreed to lend us. Not good for much if you ask me, since they don't even have any weapons, but the Colonel said they can carry a few men in the cockpit and sneak 'em behind enemy lines, so we'll just have to wait and see. We are also getting four batteries of division 105mm artillery to assist. Looks to be a challenging mission ahead.
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