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DRG March 2nd, 2018 08:44 PM

2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
5 Attachment(s)
WinSPWW2 version 9.0 - 11.0 Consolidation patch


(the 2018 patch updates any version of winSPWW2 ver 9.0 and up to Version 11.0)

As usual we remind everyone that on going secure PBEM games WILL fail when a new patch is applied while they are being played.

36 New Scenarios
20 Revised Scenarios
1 New Campaign
10 Revised Campaigns
102 New or Revised maps
501 New or Revised OOB Photos
20 New or Revised Game Interface Photos
36 Updated OOB files
422 New or Revised vehicle/ aircraft Icons
1007 New or Revised Text file
4 new or revised sound files
95 New or Revised Game Guide Photos / Graphics

1/ Secure PBEM is once again Secure. At some point in the past the code that checked for installation path had been commented out. We became aware of this when a player reported his opponents seem to have far too much foreknowledge of events and in testing we discovered that is was indeed possible to have two installations of a PBEM game and both would load secure PBEM moves allowing unscrupulous players the chance to preview play the turn on their mirror game as a "scouting" game then play the actual turn on their set up game. This loophole in the security code is now closed. If attempted, the game in the mirror copy will refuse to load. The game has been returned to what we claimed it would do in the game guide....."you cannot move a copy of your secure PBEM turn to another install of winSPMBT or winSPWW2 ....it will not play. "

2/ Load cost info for Anti Tank Guns, Field Guns and Mortars now reports the combined true load cost of the Gun + Crew so, for example, a gun or mortar with a load cost of 2 for the weapon and a crew of 8 will now show the true load cost for that unit as 10.

3/ In the Purchase Screen, Anti Tank Guns, Field Guns and Mortars that are combined with transport units will now ONLY show the vehicles capable of transporting the gun selected so in a formation that might have a wide range of gun/mortar choices couple with a wide range of towing vehicles to choose from players can now be confident that the combination of gun and towing vehicles they choose will indeed tow the gun selected. You no longer have to manually check the carry capacity of a vehicle then add up the carry cost of the gun and it's crew. The game will only offer gun / towing vehicles that will work together.

4/ In MOBHack, what used to be the "Weight" data entry field is now *correctly* labeled for its actual function ……the Load Cost for that particular unit.

5/ Campaign Cores are now limited to 24000 points. We had to limit points to prevent situations that had been reported many times where players had allowed their core and support to get so large that the AI could not buy enough units to mount a proper advance or attack battle.

6/ Under some circumstances, there were guns that would not fire AP rounds at targets that required AP rounds but use HE instead. That tangled bit of code has been sorted out and the problem eliminated.

7/ Under some circumstances, the AI would turn your own guns on you. We have not noticed a repeat of that phenomena since a small bit of code was changed.

9/ Cultivated fields have been removed from viewing in the mini map. They served no real purpose and just cluttered up the mini map…. However, rice paddies still show up as they can be hazards to vehicles and can be used as a point of reference.

10/ All GameOptions and MOBHack screens have been checked for erroneous mouse over messages and corrected.

11/ Under some conditions foxholes were not being cleared when units were moved and re-dug-in during deployment and in the editor. We believe this to be corrected now.

12/ Maps may now have TXT files associated with them so map makers can now explain and "sign" their work. These text files can be manually added to the Maps folder named the same way as the map except with the ".txt" extension. There are examples in the patch to use as guidelines and the process has been streamlined. All that needs to be remembered is to end a paragraph with a ' * ' and use the same to leave a space between paragraphs. Map text length is not restricted.

13/ MOBHack now allows unit and formation information text files to be edited directly from MOBHack. As with maps all that needs to be remembered is to end a paragraph with a ' * ' and use the same to leave a space between paragraphs.
• UNIT information should be restricted to roughly 150 characters or three medium-length paragraphs.
• FORMATION information can as long as needed as formation Information references a separate screen whereas Unit information does not.

14/ The Campaign "blank screen Review Unit bug" should now be eliminated.

15/ The blast radius circle now displays as two pixels wide making it easier to see on some terrain combinations.

16/ In the custom map editor, the EXIT button has been moved to the bottom of the screen to prevent accidentally exiting the editor and losing your work.

17/ April is now a "spring transition" month so the ground may have green vegetation but the trees are bare of leaves. Previously the game visually went from late winter in March to full summer foliage in April.

18/ "Rough slope" messages were being generated on roads. This has been corrected.

19/ The "Information" button that appeared when you right-clicked on a unit has been renamed the more correct "Unit Data"

20/ Fires from burning wrecks NO LONGER always obscures vision through the hex. A random variable has been added to smoke from wrecked vehicles that will sometimes allow LOS vision through that hex so unlike in the past, being behind a burning wreck no longer guarantees you are out of LOS. It also means that you can no longer be safe from return fire from units that had been following the tank you just knocked out.

This is an example from early testing. The dark hexes show what the game previously obscured because of smoke from burning wrecks


21/ In game drop shadow around units has been increased. We have gone from what might be described as an "early Afternoon Shadow" to a "Late Afternoon shadow ".


This change defines units a bit better on the map

22/ An AAMG (or autocannon) in slot #4 is no longer treated as a fixed bow weapon. AAMG and autocannon in any slot is now treated as having 360 degree traverse.

23/ Both game guides and MoBHack Helps have had many updated screen graphics added.

24/ CD owners Only. In the main game screen and deployment screens, pressing the middle mouse button will centre the map on the currently selected unit and also simultaneously highlight all of the visible hexes from it.

25/ New load failure messages detail if it is a gun or vehicle class that was too large to fit a transport rather than just the generic "full" message.

26/ AAA hits on armoured aircraft were screening out most of the damage from the small warheads . AAA fire that hits a target aircraft now has a higher chance of doing damage.

27/ For CD owners only .The following menus now include a GOTO feature added .

• Save games List
• PBEM games List
• Tournament games List
• Scenarios List
• Campaign List
• Load and Save Custom Map List in the Main Game and the Custom Editor
• Load and Save Scenario List in the Game Editor and the Custom Editor

Simply press GOTO , enter the slot number you want and then press enter and the screen will update to that position. This addition to the code saves a lot of mouse clicking.

28/ For CD owners only. The extended map editor now allows you to strip all terrain from the map , leaving only the contours with one press of a button. This does a bit more than flood filling the map with base terrain that followed contours did.

29/ When making bombing runs aircraft Icons will now appear to be above the smoke generated by bombing and not appearing to fly through or under it.

30/ A secondary benefit to 29/ above. Any map text will now appear above any smoke generated by any event that creates smoke.

31/ Graphic changes…… There have been alterations made to the smoke and flame graphics that are displayed when tanks are knocked out.


32/ For CD owners only. The functionality of the mini maps has been greatly expanded. The original purpose of the mini maps was to show a general overview of unit positions and allow players to quickly move the focus of the area they were playing by simply clicking on a new area on the minimap. This had more of a purpose in the original game where map sizes and screen resolution were fixed. As we expanded the size of maps and number of screen resolutions available and eventually set up the game to play at desktop resolution the minimap became less and less used as it's size shrank with the increase in resolution but now we have added code to help make it worthwhile once again.

The minimap can now be expanded to show the entire map by right-clicking on it with the mouse if the map is larger than 100 hexes wide and 80 hexes high so it can now be expanded to show an entire large map up to 160 hexes wide and 200 hexes high.

As well a second, simplified view of the map can be generated by pressing the middle mouse button of your mouse on the mini map. This "RadarMini" view shows the main map , roads, contour lines and streams/ water rather than the coloured graduated terrain of the old style MiniMap. It's background colour is darker than the standard MiniMap to allow players a higher contrast between the friendly and enemy units, and the Victory Hex locations and is there to give players an alternative overview. The old mini gives a better quick glance overview of terrain height whereas the "RadarMini" gives a clearer overview of friendly and known enemy unit positions. Both types of maps can be viewed small or large if the map is large enough and all four types allow players to left click anywhere on the mini and that will change the position of the main map allowing players to view unit positions and move to new areas of the map with one left click on the mouse.

2x normal size for ease of comparison


33/ The Information screen in the game encyclopaedia which is also the screen you see when you click on one of your units then press UNIT DATA, now includes a joined hull+ turret Icon , if it's a two piece Icon, a single piece Icon will show normally as a single Icon, at the bottom left of the screen at 2x normal size ( 1.5 x normal size for aircraft ).


34/ The Armour Slope Calculator and the Armour Penetration Calculator can now be accessed directly from the GameOptions Utilities screen.

35/ The Scenario, save game, load map and Help screens have all been redone in the " Flat Screen" style of the Edit Campaign screen with more room for information especially the Help screen that now allows text right across the width of the window

36/ The date changing button in the WW2 game editor has been made a single stage process. PLEASE NOTE that in the event that no battles were historically fought between two nations that DID have combat against one another the dates will automatically advance to the first date they did come into conflict. This is usually more noticeable in the early part of WW2 between the fall of France and the start of the North African Campaign.

37/ Manchurian battle location are now correctly grasslands rather than barren desert.

38/ The WW2 UCMC OOB needed to have aircraft split into single engine and twin engine formation due to code limitations in displaying more than 23 available in any particular time period. This is the best solution overall. In WW2 USMC only, twin engined aircraft are now found in the "CAS Twin Engine" formation using the " Ground Attack" unitclass and the regular Close Air Supt. formaiton uses single engine aircraft from the " Fighter-Bomber" unitclass. This change allows all aircraft available late war to show in the purchase menu.

39/ There are new world globe graphics used in the long campaign " Choose Front" selection screen.

40/ A :Show Blast Radius" ON/OFF control has been added to GameOptions Misc

41/ For CD owners only.Ongoing regular battles and scenarios ( but NOT PBEM or Campaign games ) can now be saved " As Scenarios" in the scenario folder from the battle window by pressing the "Scenario Save" button that has been added. This allows players and scenario designers an easy-to-use way to save a regular game as a scenario without having to manually rename and transfer them from the save game folder to the scenario folder. This will allow "battle in progress" scenarios to be made much easier as a designer could play out a turn or two saving the game as a scenario until just the right one is found.

RightDeve March 2nd, 2018 10:18 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Thank you so much for the update sneak peek :up:

The images don't show up though (also SPMBT thread). I've checked with two devices.


DRG March 2nd, 2018 11:27 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Really? I see them perfectly. There should be 9 showing. Does anyone else not see them ??

DRG March 2nd, 2018 11:35 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
1 Attachment(s)
Do you see this ??


RightDeve March 3rd, 2018 01:18 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 841246)

Yes, I can seem them fine on the above screenshot.
But when looking direct at the page, no images shown.
You can test whether images show for other people, by loading the page using Chrome's incognito mode.

Anyway, no big problem.


Warhero March 3rd, 2018 04:10 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
I have Firefox and can't see other than just couple above...


DRG March 3rd, 2018 08:31 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
The mystery deepens but will eventually be resolved..... my contact at Shrapnel says the link I sent as an example to him shows as an invalid Attachment......yet it opens OK for me and it shows OK ( to me ) on the screen forboth patch postings and I just went to where I " stored" the images and every one shows up just fine........in Thunnderbird.... With Internet Explorer 3 of them are X and with Edge ALL of them are X.

DRG March 3rd, 2018 09:11 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Can we all see the images Now???

They all show up ( to me! ) in Thunderbird, internet explorer and Edge.

RightDeve March 3rd, 2018 09:19 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 841258)
Can we all see the images Now???

They all show up ( to me! ) in Thunderbird, internet explorer and Edge.

They all show up fine on me now! :up:

DRG March 3rd, 2018 09:23 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

The bizarre fact is.......ALL of those images came from screenshots of the original posting that everyone said they could not see......

and Andy reported he could not see the screenshot I did in post #4 that you did see !

RightDeve March 3rd, 2018 09:47 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 841260)

The bizarre fact is.......ALL of those images came from screenshots of the original posting that everyone said they could not see......

and Andy reported he could not see the screenshot I did in post #4 that you did see !

Hahaha.. sometimes there are gremlins, you know :D

Can't wait for the new patch!


Jorge44 March 3rd, 2018 01:46 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Simply great !. Andy and Don have it again! Thank you very much for your efforts and for creating this genius.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:: clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:. The only question if they allow me (and they can call me heavy) is if they have included in the update the three new vehicles that I told them in this topic::D


Take care and a big hug: Your friend Jorge.:up:

DRG March 3rd, 2018 01:54 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
I told you then "They will be in the next update"..... and they are in.

warhorse March 3rd, 2018 06:15 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
I see all fine, using Chrome. Can't wait for this, thanks again fellahs!

DRG March 4th, 2018 09:22 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
All the New or Revised Icons added to winSPWW2 v11 ( Part 1 )

(9,97): 3 Jgd Panther *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(14,97): 8 JagdTiger *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(60,117): 44 Ostwind 11 12 44 ***** REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(61,123): 45 Wirblewind 13 14 45 REV-V6 ***** REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(89,124): 76 SU-152 14 76 REV-V6 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(95,132): 82 T34/76 M1943 24 25 82 REV-V6 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(125,131): 108 Churchill VII, 15 16 108 REV-V6 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(126,133): 109 Churchill V-CS 17 18 109 REV-V6 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(129,148): 112 Ram Kangaroo APC 22 2159 112 REV-V6 SHARED "INVISIBLE" TURRET *******REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(145,128): 124 Churchill I 16 17 124 Summer Green ******REV-WinSPWW2 v11
(159,128): 135 Scorpion 10 11 135 Desert ******REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(163,117): 139 M4A3 Winter 15 16 139 *******REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(175,72): 147 M3A1 Grant ( winter ) 2 3 147 New** winSPWW2 v11
(200,129): 297 Churchill IV 11 13 297 REV-V6 ********Revised winSPWW2 v11
(201,142): 298 Churchill Crocodile 12 13 298 REV-V6 ********Revised winSPWW2 v11
(216,54):{1700,P_ERROR}, // 54. 37mm ATG ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(217,54):{1703,P_ERROR}, // 55. 50mm ATG ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(218,54):{1706,P_ERROR}, // 56. 57mm ATG ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(219,54):{1709,P_ERROR}, // 57. 75mm ATG ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(220,54):{1712,P_ERROR}, // 58. 75mm How ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(221,55):{1715,P_ERROR}, // 59. 105mm How ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(222,55):{1718,P_ERROR}, // 60. 155mm How ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(223,54):{1721,P_ERROR}, // 61. 88mm ATG ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(224,55):{1724,P_ERROR}, // 62. 88mm Flak ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(225,57):{1727,P_ERROR}, // 63. Twin AA Gun ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(226,55):{1730,P_ERROR}, // 64. 20mm Flak ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(227,54):{1733,P_ERROR}, // 65. 150mm IG ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(228,57):{1742,P_ERROR}, // 66. 60mm Mortar ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(229,57):{1745,P_ERROR}, // 67. 81mm Mortar ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(230,57):{1748,P_ERROR}, // 68. 120mm Mortar ---------REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(349,82): 208 BT-7M Desert 6 7 208 ***new WinSPww2 V11
(357,106): 318 Boulton-Paul P.99 - concept aircraft 18 318 *********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(380,90): 215 Renault R-35 ( green ) 9 10 215 REV-V6 ****REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(450,126): 263 British Beaufighter 22 263 REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(451,112): 264 British Blenheim 23 264 REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(481,125): 280 P-38 Lightning 11 280 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(484,120): 283 Japanese OSCAR 14 283 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(485,121): 284 Japanese LILY 15 284 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(577,141): 401 Churchill VIII 27 28 401 REV-V6 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(594,106): 485 Kawasaki Ki.57 'Topsy' (Army Type 100 transport aircraft). 7 485 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(596,121): 487 Mitsubishi Ki-21 'Sally' 9 487 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(602,118): 493 Mitsubishi F1M ( Pete ) 15 493 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(619,76): 510 Mitsubishi Ki-1 32 510 ***** REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(632,125): 929 ROM-PZL-P37 45 929 NEW-V5 *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(747,133): 880 GRK-Blenheim_MkIV 58 880 NEW-V5 ****** REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(813,140): 571 Panzerturn Turret ( Panther ) 23 24 571 REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(971,135): 853 Japanese-Kokusai Ku.7 ( Experimental) 94 853 NEW-V5 REV-V7 *******REVISED winSPWW2 V11
(1020,168): 737 Churchill w/Jeffries Bullshorn Plough 82 83 737 NEW-V6 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(1021,162): 738 Churchill CIRD 84 85 738 NEW-V6 ***********REV winSPWW2 v4.5 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(1055,136): 768 Zrinyi 75 22 768 NEW-V4 *****REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(1077,136): 790 Centar Dozer 44 790 **New_WinSPWW2v4 *****REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(1181,127): {7438, 7439}, // 1065 M4A3 Sherman (desert) NEW-V6 *****Revised winSPWW2 v11
(1202,128): {7480, 7481}, // 1086 M4A3 Sherman Early (Olive green) NEW-V6 *****Revised winSPWW2 v11
(1234,133): {7515, -1}, // 1115 Stug IIIe (grey) REV-supp NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1235,133): {7516, -1}, // 1116 Stug IIIe (yellow) REV-supp NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1236,133): {7517, -1}, // 1117 Stug IIIe (green) REV-supp NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1237,133): {7518, -1}, // 1118 Stug IIIe (brown) REV-supp NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1238,133): {7519, -1}, // 1119 Stug IIIf (tricolor) REV-supp NEW-V6 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1440,112): {7930, 7931}, // 1313 PzKw Tiger 1 Desert ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V11
(1441,112): {7932, 7933}, // 1314 PzKw Tiger 1 Winter ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V11
(1443,108): {7936, 7937}, // 1316 PzKw Tiger 1 Green camo ***New WinSPWW2 v6 ********REVISED winSPWW2 V11
(1469,60): {7988, 7989}, // 1342 Morris LRC Green ****** new winSPWW2 V11
(1470,61): {7990, 7991}, // 1343 Morris LRC Desert ****** new winSPWW2 V11
(1471,66): {7992, 7993}, // 1344 Churchill AVRE CIRD Green ****** new winSPWW2 V11
(1472,67): {7994, 7995}, // 1345 Churchill AVRE CIRD Winter ****** new winSPWW2 V11
(1509,91): {8068, 8069}, // 1380 Brit AA Truck Green Single *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1510,91): {8070, 8071}, // 1381 Brit AA Truck Green Double *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1511,91): {8072, 8073}, // 1382 Brit AA Truck Green Triple *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1512,89): {8074, 8075}, // 1383 Brit AA Truck Green Quad *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1513,92): {8076, 8077}, // 1384 Brit AA Truck Desert Single *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1514,92): {8078, 8079}, // 1385 Brit AA Truck Desert Double *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1515,92): {8080, 8081}, // 1386 Brit AA Truck Desert Triple *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1516,90): {8082, 8083}, // 1387 Brit AA Truck Desert Quad *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1517,92): {8084, 8085}, // 1388 Brit AA Truck Winter Single *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1518,92): {8086, 8087}, // 1389 Brit AA Truck Winter Double *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1519,92): {8088, 8089}, // 1390 Brit AA Truck Winter Triple *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1520,90): {8090, 8091}, // 1391 Brit AA Truck Winter Quad *********NEW WinSPWW2v4.5**REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1526,101): {7332, 7333}, // 1395 Firefly - Winter Whitewash *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9 **REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1540,79): {8118, 8119}, // 1407 POA-CWS-105-H5 NEW WinSPWW2v7 **REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(1549,80): {8136, 8137}, // 1416 T1E3 NEW WinSPWW2v7 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(1551,111): {8140, 8141}, // 1418 Churchill AVRE w/o Fascine *******NEW WinSPWW2 v8 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(1578,91): {8194, 8195}, // 1445 Churchill Jeffries Bullshorn Plough ( worn winter )********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1581,63): {8200, 8201}, // 1446 Sherman CIRD Summer ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1582,63): {8202, 8203}, // 1447 Sherman CIRD Winter ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1583,65): {8204, 8205}, // 1448 Sherman Crab II Summer ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1584,66): {8206, 8207}, // 1449 Sherman Crab II Winter ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1585,66): {8208, 8209}, // 1450 Sherman Crab II Desert ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1586,66): {8210, 8211}, // 1451 T1E3 MineRoller Winter ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1587,66): {8212, 8213}, // 1452 T17E3 (USA Prototype ) ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1588,66): {8214, 8215}, // 1453 M3 Grant Scorpion Green ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1589,67): {8216, 8217}, // 1454 M3 Grant Scorpion Desert ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1590,72): {8218, 8219}, // 1455 M3 Grant Scorpion "Tunisian" ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1591,75): {8220, 8221}, // 1456 M3 Grant Scorpion "dirty winter" ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1592,62): {8222, 8223}, // 1457 SdKfz 10 PaK Grey ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1593,63): {8224, 8225}, // 1458 SdKfz 10 PaK Winter ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1594,63): {8226, 8227}, // 1459 SdKfz 10 PaK Desert ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1595,63): {8228, 8229}, // 1460 SdKfz 10 FlaK Grey ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1596,64): {8230, 8231}, // 1461 SdKfz 10 FlaK Winter ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(1597,65): {8232, 8233}, // 1462 SdKfz 10 FlaK Desert ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2107,59): {9152, -1}, // 1952 M7 GMC Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2108,72): {9153, -1}, // 1953 M37 (105mm) SP Howitzer Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2109,73): {9154, -1}, // 1954 M37 (105mm) SP Howitzer Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2110,73): {9155, -1}, // 1955 M37 (105mm) SP Howitzer Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2111,72): {9156, -1}, // 1956 M41 (155mm) SP Howitzer Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2112,73): {9157, -1}, // 1957 M41 (155mm) SP Howitzer Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2113,73): {9158, -1}, // 1958 M41 (155mm) SP Howitzer Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2114,62): {9159, -1}, // 1959 M43 8" HMC Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2115,63): {9160, -1}, // 1960 M43 8" HMC Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2116,63): {9161, -1}, // 1961 M43 8" HMC Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2117,60): {9162, -1}, // 1962 M12 GMC winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2118,60): {9163, -1}, // 1963 M12 GMC desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2119,59): {9164, -1}, // 1964 Ammo Trailer *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2120,58): {9165, -1}, // 1965 37mm AA-Gun *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2121,63): {9166, -1}, // 1966 M3 SP 75mm Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2122,58): {9167, -1}, // 1967 TT34 Summer *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2123,58): {9168, -1}, // 1968 TT34 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2124,69): {9169, -1}, // 1969 Centaur Dozer ( WINTER ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2125,68): {9170, -1}, // 1970 Churchill Kangaroo Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2126,74): {9171, -1}, // 1971 Churchill Kangaroo Winter White *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(2187,82): {9228, -1}, // 2028 Manchurian KI-15/Ki-30 ******New_WinSPww2 **** REVISED winSPWW2 V11
(2228,82): {9269, -1}, // 2069 Mitsubishi G4M ******New_WinSPww2v2 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(2235,83): {9276, -1}, // 2076 Yokosuka B3Y1 **** NEW WinSPWW2 v8 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(2360,84): {9397, -1}, // 2197 Mitsubishi G4M ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V9 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(2368,66): {9400, 2159}, // 2200 Stuart Recce winter ********** NEW WinSPWW2 V11
(3465,74): {5849,2159}, // 3249 PT Boat *********NEW WinSPWW2v2 ********REV WinSPWW2 v11
(3484,74): {5868,2159}, // 3268 JPz IV-48/F1 tri-colour camo ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3485,72): {5869,2159}, // 3269 JPz IV-70A tri-colour camo ***********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3486,82): {5870,2159}, // 3270 T28 Super Heavy Tank (green)( ) ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3487,83): {5871,2159}, // 3271 T28 Super Heavy Tank (winter)( ) ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3488,83): {5872,2159}, // 3272 T28 Super Heavy Tank (desert)( ) ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3489,82): {5873,2159}, // 3273 A39 Tortoise Heavy Assault Tank -Summer ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3490,83): {5874,2159}, // 3274 A39 Tortoise Heavy Assault Tank -Winter ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3491,83): {5875,2159}, // 3275 A39 Tortoise Heavy Assault Tank -Desert ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3492,86): {5876,2159}, // 3276 A39 Tortoise Heavy Assault Tank -Winter Camo ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3493,59): {5877,2159}, // 3277 M44 -Summer ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3494,60): {5878,2159}, // 3278 M44 -Winter ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3495,60): {5879,2159}, // 3279 M44 -Desert ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3496,59): {5880,2159}, // 3280 M35 -Summer ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3497,60): {5881,2159}, // 3281 M35 -Winter ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3498,60): {5882,2159}, // 3282 M35 -Desert ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3499,66): {5883,2159}, // 3283 Ram Kangaroo Winter ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3500,66): {5884,2159}, // 3284 Ram Kangaroo Desert ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3501,72): {5885,2159}, // 3285 Staghound Command Car Green ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3502,73): {5886,2159}, // 3286 Staghound Command Car Winter ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3503,82): {5887,2159}, // 3287 Beobachtungskraftwagen Sd.Kfz.253 Grey ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3504,81): {5888,2159}, // 3288 Beobachtungskraftwagen Sd.Kfz.253 Camo ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3505,83): {5889,2159}, // 3289 Beobachtungskraftwagen Sd.Kfz.253 Desert ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3506,83): {5890,2159}, // 3290 Beobachtungskraftwagen Sd.Kfz.253 Winter ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3507,69): {5891,2159}, // 3291 Jagdpanther Desert Tan ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3508,70): {5892,2159}, // 3292 Jagdpanther Winter White ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3509,75): {5893,2159}, // 3293 Jagdpanther Worn Winter White ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3510,79): {5894,2159}, // 3294 Jagdpanther Heavy Worn Winter White ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3511,77): {5895,2159}, // 3295 SU-152 Heavy Worn Winter White ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3512,67): {5896,2159}, // 3296 SU-152 Desert Camo ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3513,65): {5897,2159}, // 3297 SU-152 Desert Tan ***********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(3725,68):{10100, 10101}, //3498. 35R 731(f) mit T-26 Turm *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3726,77):{10102, 10103}, //3499. Churchill AVRE winter ( no facine) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3727,63):{10104, 10105}, //3500. Comet- Winter camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3728,59):{10106, 10107}, //3501. Comet- Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3729,66):{10108, 10109}, //3502. FwPzKw B2 740(f) gray *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3730,67):{10110, 10111}, //3503. FwPzKw B2 740(f) green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3731,70):{10112, 10113}, //3504. FwPzKw B2 740(f) winter ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3732,66):{10114, 10115}, //3505. FwPzKw B2 740(f) Tan *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3733,67):{10116, 10117}, //3506. Jumbo 75 Summer ( redo) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3734,68):{10118, 10119}, //3507. Jumbo 75 winter ( redo) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3735,68):{10120, 10121}, //3508. Jumbo 75 desert ( redo) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3736,67):{10122, 10123}, //3509. Jumbo 76 Summer ( redo) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3737,68):{10124, 10125}, //3510. Jumbo 76 winter ( redo) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3738,68):{10126, 10127}, //3511. Jumbo 76 desert ( redo) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3739,56):{10128, 10129}, //3512. ( TO BE RE-USED ) <<NEW WinSPWW2 v11>>
(3740,63):{10130, 10131}, //3513. FIREFLY WINTER CAMO *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3741,66):{10132, 10133}, //3514. KV-1 M1941 Desert Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3742,67):{10134, 10135}, //3515. KV-1c M1942 Summer Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3743,63):{10136, 10137}, //3516. KV-1.57 Prototype *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3744,59):{10138, 10139}, //3517. T-34/57 M1943 *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3745,69):{10140, 10141}, //3518. Comet Crocodile-Prototype *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3746,76):{10142, 10143}, //3519. Pz.Kpfw. Mk.IV 744(e) ( Blue OOB ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3747,64):{10144, 10145}, //3520. Centurion Mk.2 CAMO *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3748,69):{10146, 10147}, //3521. Centurion Mk.2 WINTER CAMO *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3749,69):{10148, 10149}, //3522. Centurion Mk.2 DESERT CAMO *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3750,71):{10150, 10151}, //3523. T14 Heavy/Assault Tank Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3751,72):{10152, 10153}, //3524. T14 Heavy/Assault Tank Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3752,72):{10154, 10155}, //3525. T14 Heavy/Assault Tank Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3753,65):{10156, 10157}, //3526. A.33 Excelsior Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3754,66):{10158, 10159}, //3527. A.33 Excelsior Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3755,66):{10160, 10161}, //3528. A.33 Excelsior Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3756,79):{10162, 10163}, //3529. M38E1 Wolfhound (w/ M24 Turret) Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3757,80):{10164, 10165}, //3530. M38E1 Wolfhound (w/ M24 Turret) Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3758,80):{10166, 10167}, //3531. M38E1 Wolfhound (w/ M24 Turret) Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3759,67):{10168, 10169}, //3532. M10 17 pdr w/roof Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3760,68):{10170, 10171}, //3533. M10 17 pdr w/roof Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3761,68):{10172, 10173}, //3534. M10 17 pdr w/roof Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3762,62):{10174, 10175}, //3535. M10 w/roof Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3763,62):{10176, 10177}, //3536. M10 w/roof Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3764,62):{10178, 10179}, //3537. M10 w/roof Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3765,62):{10180, 10181}, //3538. Staghound winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3766,62):{10182, 10183}, //3539. Staghound desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3767,68):{10184, 10185}, //3540. Stuart VI / M5A1 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3768,72):{10186, 10187}, //3541. Light Tank M24 Chaffee winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11

DRG March 4th, 2018 09:24 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
All the New or Revised Icons added to winSPWW2 v11 ( Part 2 ) ( to date..)

(3769,58):{10188, 10189}, //3542. Sherman AMRA *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3770,61):{10190, 10191}, //3543. M4a3-76 Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3771,60):{10192, 10193}, //3544. M4a3-76 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3772,73):{10194, 10195}, //3545. Sherman 1B / M4A3 (105) Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3773,73):{10196, 10197}, //3546. Sherman 1B / M4A3 (105) Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3777,78):{10200, 10201}, //3548. Churchill AVRE (no fascine ) Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3778,64):{10202, 10203}, //3549. Churchill I Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3779,64):{10204, 10205}, //3550. Churchill I Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3780,73):{10206, 10207}, //3551. Churchill V/VIII Winter White *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3781,65):{10208, 10209}, //3552. Churchill VII Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3782,65):{10210, 10211}, //3553. Churchill VII Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3783,72):{10212, 10213}, //3554. Churchill V/VIII Desert Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3784,63):{10214, 10215}, //3555. Cromwell VI Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3785,62):{10216, 10217}, //3556. Crocodile Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3786,63):{10218, 10219}, //3557. Cromwell I Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3787,63):{10220, 10221}, //3558. Cromwell I Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3788,64):{10222, 10223}, //3559. Cromwell VII Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3789,64):{10224, 10225}, //3560. Cromwell VII Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3790,63):{10226, 10227}, //3561. Daimler A/C Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3791,81):{10228, 10229}, //3562. PzKw IV C/D/E/F1 ( dusty ) ( experiment) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3792,61):{10230, 10231}, //3563. Grizzly I Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3793,75):{10232, 10233}, //3564. Grizzly I Worn Winter Whitewash *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3794,77):{10234, 10235}, //3565. Grizzly I ( dusty ) ( experiment) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3795,74):{10236, 10237}, //3566. Churchill AVRE summer Alternate *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3796,68):{10238, 10239}, //3567. Sherman II - M4A1 winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3797,68):{10240, 10241}, //3568. T-29 Prototype ( green ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3798,74):{10242, 10243}, //3569. T-29 Prototype ( winter white ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3799,72):{10244, 10245}, //3570. T-44/122 Prototype ( green ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3800,72):{10246, 10247}, //3571. T-34/100 Prototype ( green ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3801,61):{10248, 10249}, //3572. 3Ro 90L53 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3802,62):{10250, 10251}, //3573. 3Ro 90L53 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3803,61):{10252, 10253}, //3574. 3RO 100L17 Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3804,62):{10254, 10255}, //3575. 3RO 100L17 Desert *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3805,60):{10256, 10257}, //3576. SMK ( green ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3806,68):{10258, 10259}, //3577. SMK (worn winter white) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3807,66):{10260, 10261}, //3578. T-34/76 M1940 (Green) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3808,76):{10262, 10263}, //3579. T-34/76 M1940 (worn winter white) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3809,81):{10264, 10265}, //3580. Russian Churchill III/IV ( summer worn ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3810,87):{10266, 10267}, //3581. Russian Churchill III/IV ( worn winter white ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3811,82):{10268, 10269}, //3582. British Churchill III/IV ( summer worn ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3812,87):{10270, 10271}, //3583. British Churchill III/IV ( worn winter white ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3813,79):{10272, 10273}, //3584. British Churchill III/IV ( Desert ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3814,95):{10274, 10275}, //3585. British Churchill III/IV ( Desert - Tracks exposed ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3815,68):{10276, 10277}, //3586. Churchill II ( summer ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3816,77):{10278, 10279}, //3587. Churchill II ( worn winter white ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3817,68):{10280, 10281}, //3588. Churchill II ( Desert ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3818,69):{10282, 10283}, //3589. Churchill Na75 ( summer ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3819,70):{10284, 10285}, //3590. Churchill Na75 ( Desert ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3820,74):{10286, 10287}, //3591. Churchill Na75 ( winter white ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3821,74):{10288, 10289}, //3592. Churchill CIRD ( winter white ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3822,75):{10290, 10291}, //3593. Churchill Oke ( winter white ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3823,72):{10292, 10293}, //3594. Sherman AMRA ( winter white ) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3824,73):{10294, 10295}, //3595. Sherman w/Bullshorn Plow summer *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(3825,74):{10296, 10297}, //3596. Sherman w/Bullshorn Plow winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(4286,81):{11182, 11183}, //4039. KV-2 green ******New_WinSPww2v2 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(4287,75):{11184, 11185}, //4040. KV-2 white ******New_WinSPww2v2 ***REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(4499,70):{11592, 11593}, //4244. T-28 M1938 (Finn winter camo) ********NEW WinSPWW2 v11
(4500,63):{11594, 11595}, //4245. T-28 M1938 Green ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4501,63):{11596, 11597}, //4246. T-28 M1938 White ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4527,62):{11644, 11645}, //4270. T-28 M1932 Green ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4528,63):{11648, 11649}, //4272. T-35 M1935 Green ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4628,73):{11840, 11841}, //4368. Ostwind ( winter ) NEW-V7 ***** REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4629,77):{11842, 11843}, //4369. Wirbelwind ( winter ) NEW-V7 ***** REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4665,110):{11912, 11913}, //4404. Churchill IV NEW-V7 *************REVISED winSPWW2 v9 *****REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(4667,109):{11916, 11917}, //4406. Churchill VIII NEW-V7 **************REVISED winSPWW2 v9*****REVISED winSPWW2 v11
(4685,67):{11952, 11953}, //4424. M4A3 Sherman Early NEW-V7 *****Revised winSPWW2 v11
(4690,60):{11962, 11963}, //4429. Scorpion NEW-V7 *****Revised winSPWW2 v11
(4731,74):{12040, 12041}, //4468. T-34-76 M1943 NEW-V7 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4771,68): {12104, -1}, //4504 SU-152 - winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4792,74): {12125, -1}, //4525 Jagdtiger-winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4796,73): {12129, -1}, //4529 StuG IIIE-winter NEW-V7 *********REVISED WinSPWW2 v11
(4885,79): {12214, -1}, //4614 He-111 German *******NewWinSPWW2v3 *******Revised WinSPWW2 v11
(4886,84): {12215, -1}, //4615 He-111 German Desert *******NewWinSPWW2v3 *******Revised WinSPWW2 v11
(4906,95): {12235, -1}, //4635 He-111 German Winter Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v9 *******Revised WinSPWW2 v11
(5025,59):{12400, 12401}, //4748. M26 Pershing -Green ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5026,60):{12402, 12403}, //4749. M26 Pershing -Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5027,60):{12404, 12405}, //4750. M26 Pershing -Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5028,52):{12406, 12407}, //4751. M45 -Green ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5029,53):{12408, 12409}, //4752. M45 -Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5030,53):{12410, 12411}, //4753. M45 -Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5031,53):{12412, 12413}, //4754. T23 -Green ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5032,54):{12414, 12415}, //4755. T23 -Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5033,54):{12416, 12417}, //4756. T23 -Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5034,53):{12418, 12419}, //4757. T29 -Green ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5035,54):{12420, 12421}, //4758. T29 -Winter ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5036,54):{12422, 12423}, //4759. T29 -Desert ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5037,63):{12424, 12425}, //4760. T29E3 Heavy Tank (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5038,64):{12426, 12427}, //4761. T29E3 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5039,64):{12428, 12429}, //4762. T29E3 Heavy Tank (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5040,62):{12430, 12431}, //4763. T30 Heavy Tank (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5041,63):{12432, 12433}, //4764. T30 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5042,63):{12434, 12435}, //4765. T30 Heavy Tank (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5043,63):{12436, 12437}, //4766. T30E1 Heavy Tank (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5044,64):{12438, 12439}, //4767. T30E1 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5045,64):{12440, 12441}, //4768. T30E1 Heavy Tank (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5046,62):{12442, 12443}, //4769. T32 Heavy Tank (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5047,63):{12444, 12445}, //4770. T32 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5048,63):{12446, 12447}, //4771. T32 Heavy Tank (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5049,62):{12448, 12449}, //4772. T32E1 Heavy Tank Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5050,64):{12450, 12451}, //4773. T32E1 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5051,64):{12452, 12453}, //4774. T32E1 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5052,62):{12454, 12455}, //4775. T34 Heavy Tank (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5053,63):{12456, 12457}, //4776. T34 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5054,63):{12458, 12459}, //4777. T34 Heavy Tank (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5055,53):{12460, 12461}, //4778. T25 (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5056,54):{12462, 12463}, //4779. T25 (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5057,54):{12464, 12465}, //4780. T25 (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5058,61):{12466, 12467}, //4781. M6 Heavy Tank (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5059,66):{12468, 12469}, //4782. M6 Heavy Tank (Winter worn) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5060,62):{12470, 12471}, //4783. M6 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5061,62):{12472, 12473}, //4784. M6 Heavy Tank (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5062,64):{12474, 12475}, //4785. M6A2E1 Heavy Tank (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5063,65):{12476, 12477}, //4786. M6A2E1 Heavy Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5064,65):{12478, 12479}, //4787. M6A2E1 Heavy Tank (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5065,61):{12480, 12481}, //4788. T26E4 Pershing (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5066,62):{12482, 12483}, //4789. T26E4 Pershing (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5067,62):{12484, 12485}, //4790. T26E4 Pershing (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5068,62):{12486, 12487}, //4791. T33 Flame Tank (Green) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5069,63):{12488, 12489}, //4792. T33 Flame Tank (Winter) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(5070,63):{12490, 12491}, //4793. T33 Flame Tank (Desert) ********NEW winSPWW2 v11
(8378,70): {18572, -1}, //7972 Lockheed Hudson- Australia **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8379,69): {18573, -1}, //7973 Lockheed Hudson- Nat China **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8380,64): {18574, -1}, //7974 Lockheed Hudson- GB1 **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8381,64): {18575, -1}, //7975 Lockheed Hudson- GB1 **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8382,69): {18576, -1}, //7976 Lockheed Hudson- GB Desert **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8383,60): {18577, -1}, //7977 Kawasaki Ki-56 **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8384,57): {18578, -1}, //7978 B-24- China **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8385,62): {18579, -1}, //7979 JU-88 Finn-winter **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8386,72): {18580, -1}, //7980 IL-4 winter- Russian ( alt ) **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8387,64): {18581, -1}, //7981 JU-88 German-winter **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8388,70): {18582, -1}, //7982 Kawasaki Ki-48---Nat China **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8389,68): {18583, -1}, //7983 Junkers K 47---Nat China **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8390,67): {18584, -1}, //7984 Kawasaki Type 88--Japan **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8391,70): {18585, -1}, //7985 Kawasaki Type 88--Manchukuo **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8392,71): {18586, -1}, //7986 Kokusai-Ki-76 Japanese Green **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8393,70): {18587, -1}, //7987 Kokusai-Ki-76 Japanese Grey **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8394,66): {18588, -1}, //7988 Kokusai-Ki-76-Thailand **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8395,71): {18589, -1}, //7989 Northrop 2E Gamma--Nat China **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8396,66): {18590, -1}, //7990 Yermolaev Yer-2 Russia **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8397,61): {18591, -1}, //7991 Hawk 75M-- China **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8398,66): {18592, -1}, //7992 Nakajima Type 91-Japan **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8399,69): {18593, -1}, //7993 Nakajima Type 91-Manchukuo **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8400,69): {18594, -1}, //7994 Nakajima Type 91-Nat China **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8401,74): {18595, -1}, //7995 Nakajima Ki-43 -Nat China **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8402,67): {18596, -1}, //7996 Mitsubishi Ki-30-Japan **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8403,81): {18597, -1}, //7997 Boulton Paul P.100 (concept aircraft ) **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8514,50): {18700, -1}, //8100 P-80 **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8515,56): {18701, -1}, //8101 F7F Tigercat **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8516,57): {18702, -1}, //8102 F8F-1 Bearcat **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8517,54): {18703, -1}, //8103 Mohawk IV **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8518,65): {18704, -1}, //8104 Mitsubishi F1M2 (Green) **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8519,69): {18705, -1}, //8105 Gloster Gladiator ( Greek ) **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8520,67): {18706, -1}, //8106 FAA Corsair I ( British ) **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8521,54): {18707, -1}, //8107 Aichi B7A **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8522,66): {18708, -1}, //8108 FAA Martlet (alt Rondel) **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8523,65): {18709, -1}, //8109 Mitsubishi Ki-67 Hiryu **********NEW winSPWW2 V11
(8524,2): {18710, -1}, //8110 Douglas A-20G-1 (Russian) **********NEW winSPWW2 V11

DRG March 4th, 2018 10:59 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
1 Attachment(s)
Here's an example of the new style screen changes. This one shows the Load Map screen in the editor and the new text feature


warhorse March 4th, 2018 11:39 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Awesome Don!!

DRG March 4th, 2018 12:21 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
1 Attachment(s)
The new in game help screen layout


Mobhack March 4th, 2018 01:07 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
The "flat screen" layout makes it much easier to select the right slot and not mis-click on the one before it (or after it), as I tended to do with the old button-list.

And the (full game) GOTO feature makes it far easier to get to save slots and scenarios that are way down the list than the old click-click-click process. Press GOTO and then enter say 600 and you are at save slot 600 instantly, with item #600 already selected and ready to press ENTER to load/save it, or at least read the description if it's a scenario with no need to press the scenario button to read the scenario text as before. (Press ESCAPE to deselect it if it was not the one you wanted of course).

I also find the flat screen layout far easier to read with my tired old eyes than the old way, as well.


Jorge44 March 4th, 2018 01:26 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Great job!:up:

DRG March 4th, 2018 02:01 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
2 Attachment(s)
The old scenario editor Scenario Load Screen


The new ( REVISED Mar 12 2018 ) version


ERISS March 4th, 2018 06:41 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 841299)
scenario load screen
The new version

Okay for the left stucked scenario titles, but I prefer with the grey bars,
or maybe do the halfway: let the bars back, but with a color gradient from grey in the left to black to the right?

DRG March 4th, 2018 07:51 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Well, that's what it's going to look like on release. We are quite happy with the way it works and looks .

NO matter WHAT we do someones going to want it different or back the way it was..... in 20 years that constant has not changed.

RightDeve March 5th, 2018 12:02 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Yeah honestly I like the gray buttons better. I don't know, maybe it's just nostalgic feeling, gray metallic bars with thin white threads stringing them together. Feels like actually pressing a button. But not a big deal anyway.


scorpio_rocks March 5th, 2018 06:02 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Personally think the list looks lots better - but think the "goto", "load" etc ought to be buttons (to show click area).

Mobhack March 5th, 2018 06:07 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Originally Posted by scorpio_rocks (Post 841311)
Personally think the list looks lots better - but think the "goto", "load" etc ought to be buttons (to show click area).

Hover the mouse over one, it changes colour and if there is a description, that appears in the information box as with other buttons.

I didn't think so much of the look at first, but am now completely in favour of it after using it.

DRG March 5th, 2018 08:40 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
See post 22 of revision

RightDeve March 5th, 2018 09:21 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Ah yes, the Scenario Editor load screen. No wonder I was wondering why in hell the old version has gray bars on them. Turns out that screenshot is not about the main Scenario List screen.

glaude1955 March 7th, 2018 07:30 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
As usual, a great work.
Thank you very much.
Best regards

Pibwl March 7th, 2018 06:33 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
I LOVE encyclopaedia with icons :D

(I don't suppose you need ency files for Soviet Union, but just in case, you can just let me know... ;))

ERISS March 9th, 2018 12:05 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 841313)
...and please do keep in mind if you're not loading scenarios into the game editor you'll never see that screen

Okay, it was not said the screen was about the editor. So yes I don't care.

oberst_klink March 13th, 2018 02:24 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Great! Jolly good news and much appreciated!

DRG March 29th, 2018 05:49 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Jorge44 March 29th, 2018 10:14 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Great game and better people Don and Andy. Thank you very much with all my heart. Incredible everything, as usual:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: A big hug: Jorge:up:

IronDuke99 March 29th, 2018 09:30 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Love the update, but one question are the Japanese tanks all meant to be pink?
Lol. Don't worry they have gone back to the right colours now. Strange glitch.

DRG March 29th, 2018 09:35 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
NOT a "glitch" more of a "quirk"

If you look at them in the Encyclopaedia / UNit data without first setting up a date and month between two sides and actually start a battle it will always default to the desert set. Once you are in a battle that would normally be in jungle for example then they will show up in their summer colours ( the same in winter..... if the two sides generate winter battles and you have a game in play then go to check something in the UnitData screen they will show up in winter white IF they have winter white Icons ) but just loading the encyclopedia and cruising through it without setting a battle first it will always default to the desert set and in the case of the Japanese tanks, that is usually desert pink or desert tan.

They will default to their summer set in the main encyclopedia screen but the unit data defaults to the desert set when no battle is in progress and it is the same for all nations not just the Japanese so if you are in the midst of a battle and click on an enemy or friendly tank no matter what season it is you will see the same paint job in the Unit data screen as you do on the map.

One final point.......the joined Icon in the unit data screen is merely a "decoration" and it will only select the exact unit Icon for that unit during that time period and season so if a sceanrio designer changes an Icon in the game the unit data screen ONLY gives you what is in the base encyclopaedia....for the same reason that has occasionally confused player in the past where the scenario shows one set of data but the unit data screen shows you the exact information that unit has and if it's a winter battle but a sceanrio designer has changed all tanks to green the unit data only shows what the OOB was set up to show. One of the new scenarios has " ersatz M10's"...... they are pathers made to look like M10s and the scenario designer has used the Panther as the base unit ( which is what that vehicle was ) but changed the Icon in the scenario to an M10.......well the unit data screen only shows what is in the OOB NOT what it's been "adjusted to"

DRG March 31st, 2018 04:53 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
1 Attachment(s)
Due in part no doubt to having a "senior moment " the following photos were not put into the WW2 V11 patch files :doh:

-> Spob007.obf
768 Abn 6 Pdr ATG LBM = 4233 Is Missing!
770 Abn 6 Pdr ATG LBM = 4233 Is Missing!

-> Spob012.obf
187 M4A3E2 LBM = 4132 Is Missing!

-> Spob016.obf
34 Sturmtiger LBM = 4374 Is Missing!


They are in next years patch folder now but to save more " error " reports here they are along with a couple others I've already added to next years patch anyway.

Extract to your Game Data / Pictures folder

The " good news" is I didn't miss any in MBT:up:

Ts4EVER April 1st, 2018 05:52 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Nice stuff! Guess I have to get cracking on a new campaign for next year.... Any ideas or wishes?

Oche April 1st, 2018 07:20 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
These updates will guarantee that my preference and evergrowing interest for both WINSPMBT & WINSPWW2 time will not be deallocated any time soon. I sincerely thank you.

DRG April 1st, 2018 08:17 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Originally Posted by Ts4EVER (Post 841626)
Nice stuff! Guess I have to get cracking on a new campaign for next year.... Any ideas or wishes?

North Africa is one that's been overlooked but really, tackling a campaign is something that you need to feel a personal connection to.

I recently posted a link to HERE......that deals with Tunisia but there is well enough material there for a campaign and the exact battle locations with Lat and Long can be used with the Venhola map program to create precise maps

It's just an idea.....you asked for ideas :) and that not only has maps related to Tunisia but also includes maps for the invasions of Sicily and mainland Italy as well as the from Normandy on. I mentioned North Africa only because we don't have a scripted campaign that covers that

Pibwl April 1st, 2018 07:27 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Great work! :D

...And I'm glad, that you had a patience, and I could inspire a few improvements anyway :)

Ts4EVER April 2nd, 2018 05:22 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Interesting idea. Will think about it. On a different note: It is very hard actually getting feedback on these campaigns. I mean, I make them in a way I like them, but does anybody else?

DRG April 3rd, 2018 07:08 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Here's another

There are interesting possibilities for smaller core campaigns.... they don't have to be giant battles

zastava128 April 8th, 2018 09:59 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Two more ideas for less common theatres:
1. Operation Husky
2. Italian invasion of Greece in 1940

mkr8683 April 8th, 2018 12:30 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
I'm really liking the new sounds for British weapons and the new splash screens. Great work and thanks for all you do, Don and Andy!

DRG April 8th, 2018 06:37 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

Originally Posted by mkr8683 (Post 841689)
I'm really liking the new sounds for British weapons and the new splash screens. Great work and thanks for all you do, Don and Andy!

Have you taken the Churchills out for a spin ?

mkr8683 April 8th, 2018 07:38 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Oh they're absolutely pornographic. The unit flashes on the fenders give me tingles. Little things that make these icons so fantastic. I remember designing AFV icons for another SP clone and just could not get the shape of the Churchill's turret down. You nailed it.

DRG April 8th, 2018 07:53 PM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch
Go play with the "Funnies".....:D

mkr8683 April 9th, 2018 09:28 AM

Re: 2018 SPWW2 Upgrade Patch

I also like the new bulldozer icons.

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