Thread: Bug in AI buys?
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Old May 31st, 2006, 03:54 PM

snake snake is offline
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Default Re: Bug in AI buys?

Perhaps the problem in the buy lies in the fact one can select a type of unit without restriction.
In the "Other" steel panthers game, there is a 'rarity' factor that doesn't allow a player to select all the same equipment. In other words Flak 88 guns can be purchased but only so many like 1 or 2 batteries and then the selection is greyed out.

I bring this up because of a long campaign mission. Germany Delay versus Great Britain Advance in June 1940 in the Balkans.
My German force value was 4500 points. The British got 9740 points as close as I can tell BUT......
He bought 69 MATILDA II tanks!!!! That's ridiculous. He also had 2 Spitfires, 8 2pdr AT's, 6 3" mortars, 9 40mm Bofors, 3 25 PDR art, and 8 4.5" art.
He also had: 3 A13, 3 A9, 14 Armored cars, 10 Dingos, 20 Marr-Herringtons, and 4 Valentine II's.
He also had 200 units of infantry.

So the problem in the buy seems to be that there isn't any limits on equipment. A player or AI could easily substitute more Matilda II's for some of that other stuff.

This is sort of the problem I had with the Belgians getting so many units because they only bought 1 basic type of infantry and 'covered' the map with men.

In a meeting engagement with France, I faced 40 Char bis, 19 H-39, 15 Somoa, 6 Char D2 and 270 other units including over 30 indirect art fire units. I don't think 46 Char tanks is realistic either.

It would be like the Russians facing nothing but Tiger tanks and Brandenburgers in a Russian campaign mission. That kind of equipment just wasn't mass produced but the AI purchase routine isn't bound by any rarity factors as far as I can tell.

Perhaps all units, like radios, should have a rarity factor during the purchase routine to prevent selections like this.
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