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Old March 26th, 2001, 03:10 PM
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Default some suggestions - please discuss

Here are some suggestions I would like to send to MM, but before doing so you may want to give one or two comments, won't you ??

1) Sats in combat view
Make them deploy equally devided in 4 Groups at the "corner" of the planet/warppoint like that.

2) Armor
Take standard armor away from "Chemistry I" and add it to "Construction I", so the AI can armor ships as soon as it can build some (50000points Chemistry and 5000 Points Armor are not worth it, especially as Shields cost the very same)

2b) use of "Chemistry I"
.. make it requirement for "explosive warheads" (makes much more sense than for "titanium armor" IMHO)

3) weapon sub-types
There are some weapon types which have certain sub-types (e.g. shield depleting weapons), where the Last weapon of the first subtype has _much superiour_ range than the first weapon of the -supposedly- advanced technology.
But having the range advantage is essential - a ship with a range of 6 (Shield Depleter V) is almost invulnarable to a ship with range 1 (Shield Disruptor I).
As the AI uses latest tech on it's designs, it's most vulnerable at certain moments this way.
Why not "mix" the subtypes, e.g. make Shield Disruptor available after Shield Depleter I or II ?

4) Missiles
Add +2 to all missile ranges at least - this stresses the "stand-off" effect of missile ships much more and makes combat more interesting (at least that's what my testing showed to me).

5) PD Missiles
The PD missiles would need enough range and superiour speed to intercept incoming missiles targeted at _other_ ships . maybe movement +2 will do; damage should enshure kills (on equal tech level), possible target would be "missiles only" .. fighters have a hard enough time to get through the PD cannon cover, and are limited in amount, while missles have little ammo restraints.

6) QuadrantType
Setting "Min Angle Between WP := 40" makes maps far more interesting (and complicated) than the chessboard type maps which are generated with "60" (test showed that 45..60 don't make real any difference)

7) Top (Info) Bar on Main Screen
Show not only ressources but research/intel points there too

8) "next ship" button
"next ship" button should skip ships which have minister control turned on, no matter if they have movement remaining or not.

9) Minister orders
Ministers should issue "complete" order .. e.g. "go to SolIV, load pop, go to SolI, drop pop", so the ship moves along that path instead of halting at SolIV, loading, and moving on next turn.

10) Supply Minister
Supply Minister should either be "individual minister" or shouldn't touch fleets which have movement orders.

11) Mines/Sat Minister
When dropping mines/satellites at a warp point, it should be checked if there's already such a field on _either_ side of the warppoint, and the mines/sats added to it instead of a second field created (maybe up to a certain size..).

Thanks for any constructive criticism.

As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...
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Old March 26th, 2001, 05:14 PM

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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

I like chemistry being a prereq for armor, since I think it makes sense. Chemistry being a prereq for explosive warheads also makes sense although explosive warheads is given at startup (why I don't know). Currently armor is still a better deal than shields for smaller ships and at the beginning of the game. Level 3 armor is cheaper research wise and resource wise, offers more protection and is more flexible is smaller ships than shields. The problem with the AI not using armor is in the research files, armor not being included or included after shields, and in the ship design files.

As far as the graphic interface I have one suggestion. When you hit the display colony button, it lists all colonies. When you select a colony it takes you to the build queue - both excellent features. However, I would also like a goto map feature. What I build is sometimes determined by the location, and I don't memorize the location of all the systems. So either from the colony screen, or the planet build queue, I would appreciate a goto map button to center the map on that planet.
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Old March 26th, 2001, 06:42 PM
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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

Boost WMG range: it's got the damage factor of missiles, but has only 1 more range than a APB. It should be more like halfway between missiles & beams.
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Old March 26th, 2001, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

Originally posted by Jourin:
As far as the graphic interface I have one suggestion. When you hit the display colony button, it lists all colonies. When you select a colony it takes you to the build queue - both excellent features. However, I would also like a goto map feature. What I build is sometimes determined by the location, and I don't memorize the location of all the systems. So either from the colony screen, or the planet build queue, I would appreciate a goto map button to center the map on that planet.

ISTR that the default for the "Display Colonies" window is to go to the planet location when you left-click on the colony. Default for the "Construction Queues" window is to call up the build queue when you left-click on a colony.

What I don't like is that the game doesn't remember where you were in the list when you go to a location. If I'm updating multiple colonies, I have to remember where I was in the list and scroll back down to that location every time I call up the window.
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Old March 26th, 2001, 07:23 PM

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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

Director Tsaarx

I think you mean right click for planet display - thanks I was not aware. I also realize that a map is shown, and I can use that for reference. I would just like to goto the planet location from that screen, instead of closing and then finding that system. It is just a minor irritation. I also agree that I would like the interface to remember my location instead of scrolling the list again. Both of these are real minor irritations and I have experienced worse from other games.
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Old March 26th, 2001, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

Originally posted by DirectorTsaarx:
ISTR that the default for the "Display Colonies"
What I don't like is that the game doesn't remember where you were in the list when you go to a location. If I'm updating multiple colonies, I have to remember where I was in the list and scroll back down to that location every time I call up the window.

Here.....Here..... SE3 would "remeber" where It was on long dat screens I have a hard time remembering myself

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Old March 26th, 2001, 07:51 PM

tictoc tictoc is offline
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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

Whenever a warp point is created (either by yourself or the AI), it's starting location is displayed but not it's destination in the log report at the end of a turn.


[This message has been edited by tictoc (edited 26 March 2001).]
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Old March 26th, 2001, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

This is what Director Tsaarx said, and he is correct.

From the Colonies screen(F5):
* left click - Goto main screen with colony selected
* right click - Show info on colony

From the Construction Queue screen(F7)
* left click - Goto build queue screen for this colony
* right click - Show info on colony

He didn't mention what happens when you right click. But I included it for reference.

I agree about the game not remembering where you are in ANY of the lists in the game. This is my number one pet peeve.
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Old March 26th, 2001, 08:37 PM

Baron Munchausen Baron Munchausen is offline
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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

Yes, this would be very convenient. Finding your place in the colony or ship list after processing a planet/ship/base is an annoying problem. if the game kept it's place from you're Last visit things would be much easier.
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Old March 27th, 2001, 01:36 AM

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Default Re: some suggestions - please discuss

IMO-Increasing missile range is bad. It leaves seekers exposed to even more time to be hit by PDC. The next patch increases seeker weapon speeds, this helps alot with the seekers being outran too easily by the target ship and the PDC shooting too many times before the seekers reach their targets.

I have been testing a mod for weapon platforms. The increased range modifier that is seen on base weapon mounts, is on my weapon platform mounts. I dont include the "to hit" bonus though. This makes researching large weapon platforms more attractive, and for the first time taking a planet is a damn nasty task. The hell bore V with a Massive mount is plain scarey. range 14 damage 200. WMG are very nasty too range 14 damage 700.

Thing is though they dont hit that often at that outer range, but the threat of being tagged is there when you start your missile bombardment of the AIs planet!

[This message has been edited by AJC (edited 27 March 2001).]

[This message has been edited by AJC (edited 27 March 2001).]
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