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Old August 10th, 2006, 07:23 PM
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Like I said, I don't know about WTC 7. Thanks for the info though, it certianly does beg the question WTF. While I don't subscribe to the theory that the Government was behind 9/11, questions do remain as to whether or not our Government was aware of, or in some sick, however small, way duplicit in those events. Like I said, I would be more willing to accept these theories if they squarly identified the Clinton Gore administration over George Bush.

I am sure if I took the time to look into the WTC 7, I would find that the evidence supports what I said later. Either the building was taken down after 9/11 because of damage to its structure, or it collapsed one 9/11 because of damage it sustained during the collapse of WTC 1 and 2.

Either way, I sincerely doubt that the US Government was behind the attacks on 9/11.

BTW - I was a caller today on the John Gibbson radio show. William from Vancouver. It aired at 3:47 to 3:49 pm PST. When asked about this conspiracy theory, I had to laugh, and laugh I did. And it was broadcast.
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Old August 11th, 2006, 11:59 AM
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Phoenix-D said:
Slaughtermeyer, those sources are hardly credible. For one they never address the 400-odd missing people from the four crashed flights.
You don't have to believe that 400 people are "missing" to believe that explosives brought down three of the WTC buildings after passenger jets crashed into two of them.

For two, one suggests a NUKE brought down the towers. A small, bunker busting nuke..which would still produce a significant amount of radiation and would *not* lead to the towers falling in on themselves. Reach much?
There's also a 'theory' that holograms and not actual planes hit the WTC. I don't know whether theories like this are deliberately made to discredit the 9/11 truth movement, but they can easily be ignored.

For three, they reference each other and use THAT as proof. Excuse me if I fail to find a conspiracy site citing another conspiracy site as reliable.
Does MIT engineer Jeff King do that?

Site #2 *****es about it being a "hit piece" and then tries to rebutt it the same way. They also deliberately misinterpret things people said- asking to pull the firefighters out becomes "blow up the building". (I have *never* heard anyone use the term "pull it" to refer to blowing something up..but that's what they claim)
You can hear that term being used by a demolition worker when another building was blown up, in the first five minutes of this documentary:
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"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all the iniquity and wickedness of men who unjustly suppress the truth." - Rom. 1:18
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Old August 11th, 2006, 04:32 PM
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The history channel is airing a documentary about the truth of 9/11 sometime this next week. Who know's they might even reviel a bomb shell.

Has any one that was in the 9/11 commission said anything officially that supports the 9/11 truth movements theories about what happened on 9/11?

If Bush and his administration can't keep top secret NSA programs a secret, then why are we to believe that they can keep something as horrific as masterminding the 9/11 attacks a secret?

As to Clinton needing a motive to do this, I don't agree, Clinton would find a way to profit from such a plan, and Gore had a lot to gain if he had been elected. But I say this just because I don't like either man and there is absolutely no proof what so ever that they or any member of the US Government, in either administration, acted in, or help to plan, carry out, or cause the events of 9/11.

I guess what I am trying to promote here is the concept that Bush isn't behind 9/11 and that saying he and his administration is would be like saying that Abraham Lincon fired his own cannons at Fort Sumter and then blamed it on the Confederates in order start the civil war. Its not what happened and no one really would believe it.
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Old August 11th, 2006, 04:44 PM

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Slaughtermeyer said:
You don't have to believe that 400 people are "missing" to believe that explosives brought down three of the WTC buildings after passenger jets crashed into two of them.

A number of the theories state that it *wasn't* passenger jets that were involved; that was what I was refering to. Reference all the "cruise missile hitting the Pentagon" BS. Also if you don't belive in a theory please mention that and/or refrain from linking to sites that use it as evidence!

There's also a 'theory' that holograms and not actual planes hit the WTC. I don't know whether theories like this are deliberately made to discredit the 9/11 truth movement, but they can easily be ignored.

Does MIT engineer Jeff King do that?
No, but ALL your previous reference does. And the first part of the video has no time stamp- it isn't clear if the explosion they're talking about isn't the second plane. The squibs showing are freaking flying debris. And the engineer so much as says: "at this point none of the theories we have make sense."

Never does explain how the people in the building didn't *notice* the prepration for demolition, which is quite extensive. To say nothing of the amount of explosives needed. None of the engineers involved talked? None of the contructions crews did?

The clouds he's mentioning are quite common and appear anytime a building comes down. By the way, watch the controlled demolions of other buildings in these videos carefully. Where does the collapse start? Answer: the bottom. Where did the WTC collapse begin? There's also ONE set of explosion, not the ridiclously complicated "detonation zone" most of these sites espouse. (mostly because falling buildings tend to be rough on the precise placement needed for these things)

You can hear that term being used by a demolition worker when another building was blown up, in the first five minutes of this documentary:
That'd be the first time I've heard it mentioned..assuming he isn't talking about pulling the last crew out. These sites are delightfully sneaky about how they do their video and linking.

Case in point- one of them linked to

as proof of controlled demolition. What it actually shows that if a single floor was damaged to the point where it couldn't bear its load, it'd take the entire tower down. Also explains why the top part of the towers didn't fall.

No other steel structure has collapse from fire- I'll give them that. None of those structures had an aircraft impact followed by a large fire, however.

EDIT: side note on the dust cloud- most of the sites refer to a "pyroclastic cloud", probably quoting the engineer above, who mentions a TYPE of event that produces such dust. It wasn't such a cloud- which is a damn good thing because if was it would have killed everyone for miles around! They are *extremely* hot- the coldest are generally above 100C and it only gets worse from there.

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old August 11th, 2006, 06:45 PM
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Phoenix-D said:
Never does explain how the people in the building didn't *notice* the prepration for demolition, which is quite extensive. To say nothing of the amount of explosives needed. None of the engineers involved talked? None of the contructions crews did?

Professor Jones has stated that it would take 10 people each carrying 40 pounds of explosives making 10 trips in order to place sufficient explosives to bring down one of the towers. If the placement of the explosives was outsourced to the Mossad, why would any of their agents want to talk about it? Remember, none of the US government agents who participated in the conspiracy to assassinate Martin Luther King were exposed until 30 years after the event.

And it's quite easy to explain how the bomb-sniffing dogs didn't *notice* the preparation for demolition, because Securacom, the firm that handled security for the WTC (and coincidentally had George Bush's brother and cousin as directors) ordered the removal of the dogs during the week prior to 9/11.
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Old August 11th, 2006, 06:54 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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I didn't say a thing about dogs. Just the people going in and out of the building on a daily basis.

And you really don't shave with Occam's Razor, do you? Why outsource to the Mossad for an action on US soil?

Reading that trial transcript is surreal. Conspiracy to commit murder, maximum penalty $400? What the [censored] kind of law is that?

EDIT: by the way, did you think about that before you said it?

4000lb of explosive planted, in 40 pound bundles. 400 trips. And not ONE of these set of a red flag. There was no one who even commented on unusual construction in the building- because you can't just drop a 40lb bomb in an office, they have to be placed properly or they won't do the damage you need (see: 1993 WTC attack).

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old August 11th, 2006, 08:11 PM
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Hey Pheonix if the people who support these theories don't want to believe in the truth and choose to subscribe to the concept that is viewed by most normal people as being a crack pot theory promoted by mentally ill and desperate people, then that is their right. I may not subscribe to their views, and to be perfectly honest, find them to be histarically funny, however, I would hope to die rather than tell someone that they don't have the right in this country to speak their minds and state their opinions.

If we shut them up, we shut everyone up and that is a road best not travelled in a seemingly free and democratic society.

Hell don't worry about the folks who buy into this theory, most are ok people who just enjoy a good conspiracy theory, while some are true and genuine crack pots in deep need of profession mental help, most are just nice people who are just ill informed, misguided or are too willing to buy into bull**** rather than do the research on the subject.

Those, such as the ones that Slaughtermeyer has provided links too, validate their theories by quoting each other, or inventing facts based upon assumption and then passing off as real and factual facts. Some have even gone so far as to create bogus "Professionals, video's, and doctored photo's to help support their contention that their theory that the US Government is behind 9/11 is real. When you challenge them, with the real facts, and debunk their facts, they cry foul and hollor cover up. Don't buy into it, this is just a natural defense mechanism designed to help shore up their position. It is what any of us might do to defend our stance on any subject that we believed deeply in.

When it comes to the truth, I think the 70% of America that does not buy into this theory, the 70% who actually knows the year 9/11 occured in, listen to the real professionals who just happen to know what they are talking about because they build and understand the physics behind building construction and structural engineering.

Do you honestly think that the poeple who built the WTC buildings would remain silent if they thought for even a second that they had been dilibrately destroyed by controlled blasts organized by our own government?

Like I said, most people don't take these kind of far out theories seriously. They enjoy hearing about them though, so they can poke fun at those who envisioned them. Its all well in good, in 20 years none of this will matter.
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Old August 11th, 2006, 08:27 PM
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Phoenix-D said:
I didn't say a thing about dogs. Just the people going in and out of the building on a daily basis.
Of course you won't say a thing about the dogs because it's one of the key pieces of evidence that explosives were placed.

And you really don't shave with Occam's Razor, do you? Why outsource to the Mossad for an action on US soil?
Maybe because Americans might wonder why they were asked to kill other innocent Americans?

Reading that trial transcript is surreal. Conspiracy to commit murder, maximum penalty $400? What the [censored] kind of law is that?
It's basically the same [censored] kind of law that says O.J. Simpson does not have to serve any prison time for killing Nicole, even though a court found him guilty of killing her.

4000lb of explosive planted, in 40 pound bundles. 400 trips. And not ONE of these set of a red flag.
Normally, a building of that size has maintenance corridors so you don't have to go into offices to place explosives. And if all of the placement was done at night when virtually nobody was at the center, how would anyone notice?
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"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all the iniquity and wickedness of men who unjustly suppress the truth." - Rom. 1:18
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Old August 11th, 2006, 09:30 PM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Ok, so either I forgot to post or my post vanished into the aether. Odd.

Anyway, AT: I never said they couldn't say what they're saying. Doesn't preclude me from ripping into them, though. Anything that can't stand up to critism- conspiracy theory, Presidental policy, local policy, whatever- doesn't deserve to stand.

I've also had it with BS being lifted up as fact because no one bothers to object to it.

I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
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Old August 12th, 2006, 12:40 AM
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It's basically the same [censored] kind of law that says O.J. Simpson does not have to serve any prison time for killing Nicole, even though a court found him guilty of killing her.
Um bad example there. O.J. was NEVER convicted or found guilty of killing her. He was in fact aquitted of her and Ron Goldmans murder. He was however sued in civil court and subsquently found liable for both of their deaths, but not for their murders. It is somewhat important to not distort the truth when it comes to easily verifiable facts.

The problem with objecting to them Pheonix is that its hard to avoid calling them names in order to illustrate how stupid the theories are. You see it would be like calling a retarded person retard. They simply don't understand that they are retarded so calling them retarted is a waste of time.

Since most conspiracy nuts are just ordinary people who are too lazy to get fully informed, or too hate filled to believe the truth, in this instance, GW isn't behind the 9/11 attacks, that they refuse to accept reality. Best to let them say what they want to say, and then walk away laughing at them. Trust me they are used to being laughed at. (Just don't do it too the shapily guy at work, he might come to your office one day and blow your *** away.)

Remember these are the kind of people that if you say the sky is blue on a clear sunny summer day, they will argue with you and say that it is not blue, it is purple. You and every one around you knows the sky is indeed blue, but the conspriracy guy will argue that it is purple until you either get pissed off and knock his *** out, or realize that your arguing with someone too dumb to realize that they are making a complete *** of themselves. And that buy arguing with them, you are being sucked down into their skewed reality. Just ignor the loones and the truth will tend to itself.
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