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Old June 2nd, 2007, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Joint Intelligence Bulletin---45-27845

Along with new ground weapons, the Germans have fielded yet another surprise onto the battlefield. This comes in the form of a machine called a helicopter, specifically an Attack Helicopter. It appears to have been employed down at the Battalion sized unit level in direct support of that units operations. It has the ability to take off and land vertically and hover or stand still at altitude. This has made for a deadly opponent for for ground forces.

The Tornado as it is called, is based on the Luftwaffes' first successful Helicopter the Dragon. Tornado has 1500hp power plant and is armed with a 30mm cannon, 2 MMG and an assortment of HE and AP rockets. It's primary mission is Scouting but, will attack given the right targets. They are armoured over it's vital spots. They move easily out of danger when attacked from the ground or air.

Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old June 4th, 2007, 01:50 AM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

KG Griffon War Diary 09 May 45

We were sitting along our sector of the Divisional Departure Line for less than 24hrs and I had sent my FORE out to scout our AOR after sunrise and much to my surprise they spotted two armoured forces moving down the roads in my flank areas. Again it seemed to be Panzers with Infantry riding, I'm beginning to believe this is an effect of the fuel shortage. As to what this recce in force can hope to gain, I'm not sure. We were well positioned to absorb this attack.

I had my HUBZ put in an attack run to slow the Yanks up in order to plot my arty and hopefully some from Div. Division gave me 3 15cm Battery’s and I had my BEOB's plot most of their fire along the north & south roads. I had the Tiger Kp move into better fire posns and put the reigns on my Panthers until I saw how the battle would develop. The PzGrens's supporting panzers also were moved up ready to fill in as well.

Arty came down as planned and the American Infantry were blown off their rides, and I ordered in the Tornadoes to harass them further. The first of the enemy columns came under the guns of my Tigers as they advanced though the barrages. American HE and smoke missions began to fall within and before our lines. I ordered the Panthers forward split between the two columns.

It was at this point the cursed JABO’s came in, 4 Mustangs and several Lightning’s all with rockets. The first several runs hit the Panther Kp’s HQ Section, both were damaged, and the Kp CO abandoned his Panther F under cover of his 2IC’s panzer. More Yankee panzers were being taken out, one PzGren Section on the south road took out 3 Shermans with Panzerfaust, the Kp HQ accounted for at least two more with a Panzerschreck and my panzers were making American armour into smoking wrecks. The JABO’s came in again making guns only runs, but they were now targeting my HT’s. Several HT’s were set ablaze, however, the JABO’s luck had run out. My AAA assets finally, scored two with a possible 3rd kills.

After 45 or so minutes of action the Americans are withdrawing. I sent a request up to Div to seek permission to pursue the retreating force. Word comes down we are sit tight, awaiting orders for the push on St. Nazaire.

I’ve ordered the KG to top up all ammo, fuel and stores, make good any repairs possible.

A “JOB WELL DONE” was also in order, but for the time being I’ve ordered our cooks to ensure a hot ‘eggs and sausage’ breakfast gets to all troops.

Obersturmbannführer PanzerBob
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Old June 5th, 2007, 05:26 AM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo


14 May 1945



Allied Forces in France suffered their latest setback today, as Nazi Armies split our Armies into two separate pockets in NW France. This now leaves US Forces holding the Brittany area, with a collection of US, UK, Canadian and other Allies pushed back into the Normandy area. No word from FDR as to whether………….


The Battle of Atlantic may take a turn for the better, as US Naval Forces are being freed for Atlantic Duty. Since the shocking Surrender of China to the Japanese several months ago, the IJN has withdrawn from the Pacific to defend Japan. FDR’s policy of containment has left the Navy with the option of sending more ships to assist in the Atlantic. It is hoped with a larger carrier force, the present scourge of ROBOT BOMB attacks will be driven off the convoys, allowing our Armies to function properly reversing our present situation. Admiral Nimitz stated ………………..


Loses the Battle of the Channel continue to mount as the Nazi effort to cut off our lifeblood in Southern England and the English Channel continue. Several new jet-powered bombers have been identified and are making life all the more difficult for our pilots. New jet interceptors are still months away according to…………..


The Uprising in India is still causing thousands of deaths as riots spin out of control. The Nationalist League Party has openly asked for assistance and recognition of a free India, from Hitler in Nazi Germany and from Kuznetov in Greater Russia as they’ve renamed the USSR. British authorities have been reported to be quietly abandoning………………..


A mysterious light lit up a large part the American Desert several nights ago. The US Office of Space Studies reported that it was a usually large meteor that made it to Earth and there is no reason to be alarmed. Several people claimed the light blinded them for…………..


The 20th Amerika Missile device came down today in Newark NJ. It came down in a wooded area, setting the impact area ablaze. An elderly couple walking near by were killed. To date, these Missiles that are leveling NYC according to Gobbels, have yet to hit New York, accounting for only 15 dead and minimal………………………..


Marshal Kuznetov in his first appearance to the outside world expressed a desire to normalize relations with his Euroasian continental brothers and sisters. He condemned all the Liberal Extremist Nations, of which he included the Americas and the British Empire for fomenting hatreds and goading Greater Russia and the Third Reich into a war neither wanted. All because of their fear of the crumbling threat of Communism. The Press was treated to banquet afterwards, a dual affair, whereas, the Liberal Press and the “Friendly Press” had separate functions to attend, ours was a beer and pretzels party the others was much more…………………………


The Free French Government in exile, elected it’s new President today filling the power vacuum left by General DeGaulle after his fatal heart attack three weeks ago. President Jean Bart Dumont was sworn in at…………………..


Spain, today has opened its ports to all Axis military and civilian shipping, as Spanish Leader Franco openly praised the Third Reich’s recent successes. This despite warnings from the Allies…………………


Switzerland intercepted and shot down an RCAF Mosquito on a photo-recce mission, which strayed into its airspace. This is the first Allied to be summarily shot down since their announced policy of no more over flights or emergency landings in their country. It is not known whether………………..


Rumours persist that pilots and flight crews on both all sides of this conflict, have been harassed while flying combat missions by balls of light, which appear to be under control. Neither side has claimed to own these nuisances. Allies airmen have termed them Foo-Fighters; some say they are good luck like dolphins at sea. No comment has been forth coming……………………….
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old June 6th, 2007, 06:40 AM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo


Despite Der Furhers best efforts to garner surrender out of the trapped Allied Forces, they have refused to come to terms. We are now facing an enemy much better prepared for the assault to come. We, in concert with AG Rommel are to commerce a massive assault on what has become known as PATTON”S POCKET. The frontlines at present run north from our position east of St Nazaire to Rennes to St. Malo on the Channel.

Our task is to punch a hole through the American defenses and hold this breach open for Div to pass though and onto St Nazaire. Initial contact will be made on Route 773 in the south of our sector. We will advance in loose column along 773 under smoke and behind a suppressing barrage. Column will hold until our Engineers remove the mines off our route. Once we transit the minefield the column will pivot right at the first crossroads and fan out and take the high ground along the north/south road. The north most crossroads must captured as well.

AG Rommel has attached to us for this attack the following assets:

2x Recce Gps
2x Panzer Engineer Kps
6x 17cm Btty
2x 12.2cm Btty
1x 75mm Btty
2x Maultiers 15cm Rct Btty w Ammo

As most of you know we have a new PzGren Kp posted to our KG. They will have the honour of leading the attack once though the minefield.

Good Hunting Men.

Obersturmbannführer PanzerBob
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Old June 16th, 2007, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

KG GRIFFON War Diary-15 May 1945

I must say I loathe assaults on fixed lines or fortified positions, they seem such a waste of good soldiers and resources. Never the less, they are a fact of the military condition.

Our attack, was stalled due to the Americans crafty placement of their mines, they “booby trapped” the roads on my axis of advance, and as found out too late and left the fields around them open. This allowed Divisional Recce to slip through and my attached Pioneers to get bogged down clearing routes not necessary. Div Recce took a bloody pounding as they hit the enemy’s screen (It appears I didn’t use enough artillery preps or as prisoners indicated we were dealing with a new breed of US soldier, maybe a little of both.)

Two engagements stood out, first was between one three man Recce MC and a dug in platoon of infantry. Running into them in the smoke and confusion, they took down one section at a time, causing the last to retreat as the last SS Mann went down MG42 blazing. The second was a valiant run by a 234/1 down the main axis of advance, exposing multiple enemy positions allowing my 3rd Kp PzGrens to take them out. The two survivors have been awarded Iron Crosses.

My HUBZ had taken heavy fire as well during a Recce In Force Mission, but they inflicted several Tank kills and several AT Guns plus assorted damage on egressing the area. I’ve sent a request that my HUBZ crews be awarded Panzer Combat Badges, a first I believe for Flyers.

I’ve ordered all arty missions to shift to the areas my force was to hit on its pivot north.

Also of note, JABO’s attacked both mine clearance zones, even though heavily smoked in, however, damage was minimal.


[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img]Obersturmbannführer PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
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Old June 17th, 2007, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Excerpts From “In the Führer’s Service” RFM PanzerBob 1954

…………cursed JABO’s and my own pride saw me in the hospital again. A P38 hit my Command Rommel broadside with rockets and cannons, leaving most of my staff dead or like me out of the battle and on the way to the rear areas with the rest of my boys. My KG was mauled but opened the American Defensive Line and was part of the push causing the Allies to abandon the Continent.

…………..funny how events that swirl around you on the field of combat, are clearer when at home away from the action. The Naval Situation in the North Atlantic and the Channel temporarily switched to favour the Allies as their Carrier Force stabilized their local command of the area allowing the Allies to withdrawn from the last two Pockets. Several of the much vaulted carriers were sunk, along with assorted other warships and transports…………………………

………..as of August 1945, the world was starting to settle in to it’s present political divides, The Eurasian Axis Domain as it would come to known, now included Great Russia, The Imperial Empire, The Royal Realm of India and or course the 3rd Reich. The Americas with Australia, and Africa would later be known as the “Free World”, but for now several thorns had to be removed from the Mid-East, Italy, and of course the UK………

………….summoned to Berlin I found I was on my way to the Middle East, Syria in particular. I was to command a KG formed around a PzGren Bn with a Panther Kp plus support elements………….as part of Army Group Templar…………my KG will bear the proud Griffon name……………..

…………Abwehr briefings confirmed that a mix of British, ANZAC, and Italian Forces are attempting to hold the area, and we are being called on to help Arabs establish a Kingdom allied with the Reich and guaranteeing oil for the Domain………………

………………recommendations I sent up the chain, had bore fruit…………Hubz were armed with sabot rounds for their 3 cm cannon and were being incorporated into Recce Groups…………………….Rommel Panzer Grenadier Carriers had been, in version 2 abandoned the highly dangerous 5 cm gun and replaced with a rapid fire 2 cm cannon more suited for close infantry support…………………..testing confirmed that the barrel loaded 30 cm HE warhead round, was more likely in use, to kill or damage our own troops, plus the added danger of having to emerge from under cover of the vehicle to load the thing…………………
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old June 17th, 2007, 07:57 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo


With the Our new KG below, we are to advance to the Old French Fort, and Oasis 5km to our west, and hold against any attempt to dislodge us. We also must take the bridges to the north and west.

Div has attached a Recce Gp with 2 Unarmed Spotter HUBZ and 3x 12.2 cm Btty and a 17 cm Btty.

Good Hunting, Men


    PzBeob Zug- 3x Stabtigers, 1x 251

    PzAufkl Gp- 1x Befhelspanther, 2x Hyena 2x Rommel 2x HvInf Sect. 3x Tornado HUBZ

    PzGren Bn- (HQ) 2x Rommel 1x Pz Gren SMG, 1x MMG

    3x PzGren Kp- 1x Rommel, 3x 251, 1x PG SMG, 2x PG, 1x MMG

    PLUS 2x SPAA

    Panzer Kp- 22x Panther UHU

    swPzJgr Zug- 4x Schwartzpanther

    Organic Arty- 3x 15 cm Btty

Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
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Old June 18th, 2007, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Excerpts From “Die Wehrmacht” Sept 1947

The StabTiger

…………other panzer conversions continued making good use of recovered or disused panzers. Common were conversions to other types of combat panzer, however, command type vehicles also were in demand as well. One of note was the StabTiger. Utilizing the failed Sturmtiger it finally provided a platform large and heavily armoured enough to meet the needs of forward command and artillery staffs in their lethal environments.

Once the mortar and associated equipment was removed and its mantel area sealed off the interior of the StabTiger provided room for radios, map boards and other command necessities, plus a comfortable space for the staff to work. All the original loading hatches were retained allowing staff easy access. The hull machine gun was retained and two MG42 were mounted topside for local defence.

The first conversions were allotted to forward artillery observer crews. Command staffs quickly saw the value of the StabTiger and for the remainder of the War being issued these heavy-duty command panzers was a prize. In an attempt to meet demand other Tigers were converted as the Tiger Ausf E were phased out. Known as the (Neu) variant, they were easily identified by the front plate having no sealed off hole. The front was one piece, simplifying production. This was last variant of the much valued Tiger Ausf E.

The Waffen SS in Syria first used StabTiger in numbers……………………..
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old June 18th, 2007, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Stab Tiger seems an odd choice given it's low speed, high fuel consumption and overall large size. A turret-less Stab Panther would be more to my taste. Plate the top over and maybe add a decent ex naval range-finder and you will have an agile and effective platform.

Or even better, kit out some of your helicopters for FO duty - kept back of the FEBA the should be able to see just fine while staying out of AAA range.
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Old June 18th, 2007, 06:59 PM

valo2000 valo2000 is offline
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

yeah and whats the imperial empire?
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