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Old July 12th, 2002, 12:45 AM
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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

I am posting this link to many other sites in hopes that your story will generate intrest and sales for SEIV Gold. Excellent work BTW.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.
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Old July 12th, 2002, 01:31 AM
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Definetly not! This has become the first thread I look for when I come to the Shrapnel forum thesse days.
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Old July 14th, 2002, 07:32 AM

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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

Stranger’s call


Trilek moved toward the temple, mindful of the heavily armed Remorhaz soldiers patrolling this section of town. Trilek, like all of the other Norakians on Providence, was a deeply religious being. The very basis of his life was centered around the worship of the Goddess of Light. Every activity that took place in Norakian society revolved around worshiping the Goddess. Now, with the Continuum defeated, many feared that the Remorhaz would put an end to the worship of the Goddess of Light, and possibly make them take up worship of their alien god. Some of the remaining elders talked of fighting these Remorhaz to the death, as that would be preferable to turning a blind eye to the Goddess for the sake of one Norakian life. This most drastic of changes frightened many.
It was not to be, however. After that fateful day, when the Remorhaz soldiers had come, life seemed to run as normally as possible for the Norakians on Providence. The soldiers stayed out of their way, and amazingly let them continue worshiping at the temple. This unobtrusive occupation put many of the Norak at ease. Then the planetary governor arrived a month later. Once again the elders plotted in the dark corners of the city. Now they will oppress us with their laws. With a new government will come a new way of life. We must not turn from the Goddess! they would preach. Many of the people were upset by the possibility of changes, but most were just frightened.
The governor did not try and change their way of life. Of course he had a list of laws drawn up by the government back on Remorhaz, but these mainly dealt with the rights of the Norakians as members of the Remorhaz Society. There were no oppressive laws, and there were no restrictions on religion. The only hint of anything different was that Remorhaz law now applied to the citizens of Providence, although the Norakian laws would also still be observed. The governor and the high elder would work together to build a revised set of laws, which took both Norak, and Remorhaz law into account.
So the Norakians were allowed to live their lives as they had before, but with new laws, and of course alien troops patrolling the streets. Trilek moved past the worshipers gathered outside of the temple and entered it. He quickly found a spot where he would be comfortable, bent down on his three legs, and began his prayers. He tried to concentrate on the words, but he found his mind wandering. He kept thinking about something he had read while visiting the Remorhaz Cultural Exchange Center. It was about the rights of the citizen of the Remorhaz Society. He remembered something about all citizens having the right to choose to worship their own god in their own way, the right to live their lives as they chose so long as it did not interfere with the lives of others, and the right to be free of bondage in any form. These principles did not go hand in hand with the teachings of the Goddess. The Word of the Goddess said that above all else, the Norak should follow her guidance. Everyone knew that she spoke thru the priests, and so all guidance by the priests should be viewed as guidance from the Goddess herself. Norakians were expected to put the will of the priests above their own needs. This was the way it had been for centuries. How would the Goddess view her people if the began to follow their own guidance? Would they all be condemned to eternal damnation?
Already, the Goddess had commanded the Norak to join themselves with the Remorhaz Society, so she must have meant for them to live within it’s principles and rules. Trilek was frusterated by such questions. He would have to hear what the priests and elders had to say on that subject. For the first time in his life, he would have to decided which path to take. It was quite frightening for him, while at the same time liberating. In the meantime, Trilek prayed as hard as he could for guidance, but none was forthcoming. He looked at his timepiece, and noticed that he had been praying for 35 minutes. The High Priest had said in this time of change, all Norakians should pray for one extra hour per day. Trilek stood up, and looked around. A few of those around him, who had seen when he had come in, watched him curiously.
“I cannot concentrate. I am going home,” he said, and with that turned and walked out of the temple.
He didn’t get very far. Quickly a monk came running down the street, his robes trailing behind him.
“Trilek, you are shaming the Goddess. You have not prayed long enough. We all need her guidance in this time of trial. This is the will of the High Priest, who speaks for the Goddess. Come back to the temple at once!” The monk made to grab his arm.
Trilek shook off his grasp.
“No! I cannot concentrate and I do not feel well. My prayers do the Goddess no good today. I am going home!” He turned to walk away, but this time the monk placed his arm around Trilek, and made to carry his back to the temple.
Before he knew what happened, Trilek grabbed the monk’s arm and tossed him to the ground. A crowd started to gather, and a gasp ran thru the spectators. The monk, now laying in the street on his back, looked shocked. Quickly, shock turned to anger. He reached under his robe and pulled out a stun stick.
“Blasphemer! You will be reported to the High Priest, and you WILL come with me to pray. Your punishment for disobediance will be severe” The monk made to stand up, but quickly a squad of Remorhaz Space Marines swept thru the crowd, weapons in hand. They stood between the monk and Trilek. One of the Space Marines spoke.
“I’m sorry, brother, but you cannot wield that stun stick. It is considered a lethal weapon under Article Six of the Remorhaz Code of Justice. Please place it on the ground.”
Trilek suddenly remembered to breathe. He had been ready to take a stun stick to his nerve cluster for defying a holy man, but instead these Remorhaz soldiers had saved him. The speaker, probably the leader, turned to him.
“Sir, my name is Sergeant Chuck Williams, Remorhaz Space Marine Corps. Do you wish to press charges against this monk?”
Trilek was dumbfounded. He just looked at the sergeant blankly. Press charges? What in the Goddess’ name did that mean?
“Sir, as a free citizen of the Remorhaz Society, you have the right to press charges against this man. The charge would be assault with a deadly weapon. If you do press charges, we will confine him in the brig, pending a trial. Do you wish to proceed with this course of action?” The sergeant looked at him expectantly. Or was there a hint of a smile on his face?
Trilek recovered his wits enough to stammer an answer, “No. No Sergeant Williams, I do not wish to press charges against the brother. I am not permitted to. It is against our ways to accuse one of the clergy of a crime. By our laws, he has the right to punish me.”
Sergeant Williams’ face turned serious.
“I understand that right now, there are still some questions about how Norakian law and Remorhaz law are going to be enforced here, but let me set you straight on something. You are all free citizens of the Remorhaz Society now. One of the benefits of citizenship is that no one can force you to do anything against your will, and no one can tell you how to live your life. Above all else, unless you break a law, no one has a right to punish you.” He paused for a moment, and looked as if he would say more, but then turned away. “Ok, Renton, help the brother up.”
One of the soldiers yanked the monk to his feet. Trilek tried to look away as the monk shot him a vicious look that promised a reckoning once the soldiers moved away. Suddenly, Trilek grew angry with the monk. He stepped up to him.
“Brother, I am sorry for going against the law of the Goddess by resisting your commands to return to the temple. I can see that you are planning on making me pay for my transgression with physical punishment. However, I am now a free citizen of the Remorhaz Society and if you so much growl in my direction, I will have you arrested by the soldiers. May the Goddess watch over you, brother.”
With that, Trilek turned his back on the monk and walked briskly toward his habitat.
The monk recovered from his shock enough to shuffle back toward the temple. The crowd that had witnessed the entire incident broke up, but soon a word was spreading like wildfire thru the entire city. That word was freedom. The very prospect of it gave many Norakians hope for the future. The Urban Pacification Centers were working in improving the mood of the Norakians.

Two new colonies were founded. Prospect, a medium rock planet with a carbon dioxide atmosphere was established in the Regotha system. This planet was high in mineral resources, but once again its effectiveness was limited because the colony was domed. Also, the first permanent Remorhaz presence was established in the Yullado system when the planet Deniper was founded. The planet had a rock surface with a methane atmosphere. This colony was to serve as a resupply base for the Navy.

At Glory, Manticore and Honor pulled into the space yard for refitting. These ships were given priority over any new construction at the yards, as these ships had to be sent back to Xillantha as soon as possible.

The shuttle carrying Grand Admiral Urian smoothly entered the atmosphere of Norak. After a shallow dive, the pilot brought the shuttle over Norak City. Grand Admiral Urian had not been to Norak before. What he saw from the window shocked him. The city was gleaming like a jewel in the light of Lapzooli’s single yellow sun. The colonists were making very efficient use of the supplies brought here by the convoys. Outside of the city, the land told a different story. Everywhere Urian looked he could see the scars left on the land by the orbital bombardment. Entire valleys were scorched, with the stubs of incinerated trees poking up like bones from the ground. BLasted wreckage of what had previously been some kind of Norakian structure, and everywhere he looked were huge craters carved into the planet. He had seen videos of the bombardment, and it’s aftermath, but it was nothing compared to seeing it in person. Grand Admiral Urian felt a knot in his throat. He knew that the Norak had forced their hands. He knew that even when their Last planet was being invaded they refused to surrender. Still, the price had been paid not by Norakian soldiers, but billions upon billions of innocent civilians. The number of non-combatants who must have perished here alone must have been astronomical. The site of the scarred planet hardened his resolve to avoid using orbital bombardment as a viable weapon in the future at all costs. The cost in life was just too high.


Both Norak and Timerron finished their shipyards this month. These yard would not only allow new ships to reach the front quicker, but they would also allow for faster refit and repair times for the fleet. Both shipyards would begin production of new ships immediately.

The Remorhaz Society secured its place in the Iolo system by colonizing Correlia. Correlia was a huge rock world with an oxygen atmosphere. The planet was rich in mineral and radioactive resources. Also, in the Wanduk system, a colony was established on the world of Ymoria. This world was also a huge rock planet, but it had a hydrogen atmosphere. This colony was established mainly as a research post to excavate the remains of a derelict spacecraft that had crash-landed on the surface of the planet sometime in the past. The Research Guild was hoping that at some point in the future, they would be able to discover some advanced technology in the wreck. They were surprised when they quickly discovered a relatively simple design for a large, unmanned anti-matter propelled probe. They immediately forwarded these plans to the military, which adapted them to use current missile and satellite technology to create unmanned drones for military use. These weapons would hopefully prove useful in the upcoming offensive against the Rage.
Not much else could be gleaned from the spacecraft, but the scientists and archeologists continued to study it in hopes of discovering to whom the craft belonged, and how it ended up crashed in the Wanduk system.

To date, the Remorhaz Society had colonized fifteen colonies in ten different systems. The population of all of these worlds topped 3.1 billion people.

Back in the Xillantha system, the Rage fleet appeared again. It once again seemed to be heading for Fort Justice, but no one could be sure. Meanwhile, “Spare Parts” was winding down it’s second season. Critics said that the writing for the show remained strong, and as long as Rage fleets continued to “buzz” the system, the show would have endless material with which to work. The Navy hoped to put an end to this soon, of course. The Xillantha fleet, short a frigate and a destroyer, went on alert and prepared for combat. Governor Kalashnikov cursed the Rage for fools, and knocked off early for a night of partying. Whenever the Rage appeared, the planet’s party mood skyrocketed.

In the Yukra system, Timerron detected an Ukra-Tal fleet of six destroyers, which had just come into the system. No course was confirmed, but the nearest target was Timerron. The planet began construction of another weapons platform. If they came, the planet would have an adequate defense. The main problem was that no one knew the level of the Ukra-Tal technology, and so had no idea what sort of weapons the Yukra Defense Fleet would be up against.

In the Regotha system, Hawk was deployed to recon the Lezzari system to check on Rage strength in the sector. If a target of opportunity presented itself, she would attack.

The threatened colonies of Fort Justice and Timerron could only brace themselves and wait for an attack that might not even come.

to be continued...
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Old July 15th, 2002, 06:48 PM
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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

Bravo, Bravo. Nice work.
Ragnarok - Hevordian Story Thread
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Old July 15th, 2002, 09:08 PM
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I read, I like, enuth said.
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Old July 18th, 2002, 07:50 PM

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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

The Battle of Timerron


Lieutenant Commander Harper Douglass watched as the six Ukra-Tal destroyers deployed in a line on the tactical display. Between the destroyers and Timerron, he saw his own ship RSS Falcon and the rest of the Remorhaz fleet arrayed in an arrowhead formation. Besides his own ship, the Remorhaz fleet consisted of another system patrol ship, RSS Peregrine and a Glory Class Destroyer, RSS Virtue. Backing them up were three defense satellites, and the weapons platforms on the surface of the planet.
This is going to be close, he thought, and we still don’t know what sort of weapons the Ukra-Tal possess. We’ll keep them off the planet as long as we can.
“Sir, Captain Greeley is on the com for you” the communications officer called out.
Douglass switched on the com unit. The face of Captain Enis Greeley, commander of RSS Virtue appeared. The screen split, and Commander Mike Wells appeared also. Wells commanded RSS Peregrine. Both officers looked grim.
“Well boys,” Captain Greeley started, “here’s how we’re gonna play this one out.”
Captain Greeley, the fleet commander, was never one to stand on ceremony.
“We’re going to stay between those destroyers and Timerron as long as we can, and take them down one by one. I don’t really know what to tell you about weapons…we’ve never encountered anything like what these Ukra-Tal have. The sensor readings are…inconclusive, so it’s liable to be a nice surprise when they start firing.” All three officers chuckled. “Anyway, let’s spread out, try to draw fire, and see if we can’t send some of these buggers to hell, eh?”
Douglass felt his confidence rising. Here they were facing a superior enemy force, and Captain Greeley was as calm as ever.
“Aye, aye, sir. We’ll bait them for you” Douglass answered. Wells did likewise.
The com switched off, and Douglass went back to the business of running his ship. The Ukra-Tal force consisted of two Burtrask Class Destroyers, two Djusholm Class Destroyers, and a Drammen and a Bygland class destroyer. As Captain Greeley had said, they weren’t quite sure what sort of weapons the destroyers had, as the sensors weren’t reporting any conventional weapons that they could detect. Harper rubbed his chin.
“Ok, helm, take us in. We are going for shoot and scoot, so once the enemy locks onto us and fires, get us out of range as quickly as possible.” Under his breath, he muttered, “Assuming they have missiles on board…”
The helm officer acknowledged.
As the two fleets approached each other, the sensor officer shouted a warning.
“Commander! The Bygland and Drammen have just fired some sort of…projectile. The readings are crazy though, sir. Sensors are reporting the projectiles as organic objects!”
Harper did a double take. “Organic? What the hell?”
“I can’t understand it either, sir. That’s what the sensors are telling me. I’m trying to get a lock on them now. They should be up on the viewscreen once I find them.”
Harper watched tactical as the forward sensors tried to acquire the Ukra-Tal missiles against the starry background of space.
“There they are, sir! Zooming in now.” He paused while he fine-tuned the display. “Oh my god!” The sensor officer blanched as the view homed in on the targets.
The display locked onto something out of a nightmare. Hurtling thru space toward his ship was some sort of slime-covered…organism. Douglass didn’t know of a better way to classify it. He did know that it was coming at them very quickly, and it didn’t look like it was going to be friendly when it got there.
Harper ordered Falcon to turn away from the incoming projectiles, while Peregrine moved into enemy missile range. She too drew fire, and turned to run. Once the first enemy destroyer came into range, Virtue, the weapons platforms, and the satellites all targeted a single Djusholm destroyer and fired their missiles. The missiles ran true, until they closed to close range with the Ukra-Tal destroyers. At this point, the enemy destroyers began firing some sort of small projectiles in incredible numbers into the path of the Remorhaz missiles. The projectiles shot out from a previously unseen opening on the top of the enemy ships. Every single Remorhaz missile was knocked either destroyed or disabled.
Harper watched in disbelief as the attack was so quickly blunted. Not a single missile hit the enemy ship. The good news was that the Ukra-Tal projectiles fired at his ship and Peregrine had apparently run out of energy and were dispersing.
During the evasive maneuvers by the Remorhaz ships, the other four destroyers had moved into firing range of Timerron. They all fired more of the seeker organisms at the surface. Harper followed them on his tactical display. The projectiles screamed thru the atmosphere, homing in on the largest city on Timerron. They slammed into the surface, and a huge mushroom cloud shot up over the city.
Harper stared at the tactical display. How many colonists had just died?
The com officer spoke up again. “Sir, it’s Captain Greeley for you.”
“Put him thru.”
The screen snapped on.
“Harper, I need you to listen to me. This is a no win situation. I want you and Mike to get the hell out of here. I’m going to stay behind and try to keep them off of your backs for a little while.”
Harper watched the captain, astonished.
“Captain, what about the colony? There are 19 million people down there, sir!”
Greeley shook his head. “Harper, getting yourself killed is not going to save any of them, but maybe if you get the intel back to Remorhaz, they can figure out some way to put us on a more even footing with the Ukra-Tal.”
Harper’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t think straight. Retreat?
“Sir, I can’t leave you here…”
“This is not a request, Lieutenant Commander Douglass. You will make all efforts to return to Remorhaz, and let them know what we are up against. When Timerron falls, there isn’t going to be anything between the Ukra-Tal and Remorhaz. I need you to get show them what happened here. We need to find a way to stop them.”
Harper could feel a lump building in his throat, and tears in his eyes. It wasn’t supposed to work this way! Victory or defeat was expected, but being ordered to turn tail and run, while 19 million colonists faced certain death was unthinkable. Still, he was a professional officer, and did not disobey orders, no matter what his personal views were.
“Yes, sir. Good luck, Captain. See you back home, ok,” he choked.
Greeley smiled. “Go full bore all of the way home, and don’t look back. Good luck to you, too.”
Harper gave Greeley one Last salute, and then passed his orders on to the helm officer.
“Helm, turn us around. Nav, plot the best course for Remorhaz. We’ve been ordered to withdraw.”
The entire bridge fell silent. No one wanted to abandon Timerron. No one wanted to run away.
Harper could feel himself losing control. “Damn it! I don’t like this anymore than you do, but we’ve been ordered to retreat. We WILL follow Captain Greeley’s orders! Move it, people!”
The XO was the first to snap out of it, and started prodding people into action. Soon the crew lost themselves in their jobs.
Virtue continued transmitting intel to the fleeing system patrol ships. Harper watched in horror as the Ukra-Tal unleashed another of their weapons. From the “bow” of their craft, a large appendage poked out and from it, a green substance issued forth. The substance expanded as it flew thru space, and entered the atmosphere. When it finally hit the surface, everything it touched was immediately corroded as if by a very powerful acid. This acid seemed to burn thru everything…buildings, rocks, and people. Harper turned away. What the hell were they going to do to stop the Ukra-Tal? Was there anything that could be done in time to contain them?
He glanced back at the tactical display, and watched as Virtue fired at the enemy fleet. A few more salvos of organic missiles and a wave of acid barrages finished off the colony on Timerron. The Ukra-Tal then turned their attention to Virtue. Captain Greeley tried to fight them off for as long as possible, but there were just too many of them. Quickly and efficiently, Virute was destroyed in a rain of seeker parasites and acid globules.

In the end, Falcon was forced to leave Peregrine behind. The Ukra-Tal destroyers had caught up with them, and Peregrine sacrificed herself by turning to engage them while Falcon escaped. They jumped into the Lenoltris system, leaving the destroyers and a much larger fleet of 20 Ukra-Tal ships behind. What Lieutenant Commander Douglass didn’t know was that they had also left Peregrine behind. With only one engine and most of her structural integrity gone, she was crippled, but not destroyed. The odds were greatly stacked against them, but they had to try and make it home.

To be continued...
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Old July 19th, 2002, 12:57 AM
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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

Man, good story writing, but I hate to see that happen to you. The Ukra-Tal stink! I hope you whoop their arses before too long.
Ragnarok - Hevordian Story Thread
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Old July 19th, 2002, 04:53 PM

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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

Well, it's my own fault. Overexpansion and a three front war will do that to you.
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Old July 19th, 2002, 05:28 PM
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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

Offer them a tribute, bribe them.
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Old July 19th, 2002, 06:07 PM

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Default Re: Rise of the Remorhaz Society

Originally posted by Atrocities:
Offer them a tribute, bribe them.
That's against my religion!

I'll have to see what happens. They're about to get PD weapons, and another level of shields. Grand Admiral Urian is hoping he will be able to contain the Ukra-Tal, and then move in to try and knock out the Rage. Of course, that could be tough going with the new "no colony destruction" policy, but maybe the destruction of Timerron will change their views on that front...
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