Admittedly, the Aleutians were a very minor side show and also any USA operations in the pacific were also side shows to the main Marine campaign happening in Guadalcanal.
And both sets of terrain are really nasty, especially for somewhat green troops. They also penalise anyone who wanted an armoured or vehicle based core, in other words a typical US Army organisation aimed at Europe eventually.
So after a quick try of the nasty Aleutian terrain, I've decided to advance the start clock for the USA WW2 Long Campaign to 11/42.
Thus you get to choose European terrain
or Pacific. And the 11/42 European battles are a minor scuffle with the Vichy French. First battle therefore is an opposed beach landing against them. Or advance the start one month and meet the Germans with your new boys - your choice.
Admittedly any armoured core user could have advanced to 11/42 anyway but that seems beyond the grasp of many newbies, and also I found a bug in the code regarding the end of 1942 opponents and battle locations in Europe

(now fixed of course).
The early 42 US Army batlocs against the Japanese (Aleutian, South Pacific etc) are now only of use in one-off battle generator games - for those of a masochistic bent

The Japanese LC player may well meet the US Army there - but anyone opting for Japan in the LC has
already opted for an infantry-heavy slog.