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Old January 26th, 2009, 07:44 AM
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Post War Plan Pacific Refitted And Ready For Action!
Press Release Teaser: Smash Computer PTO Wargame For Windows Patched!   

War Plan Pacific Refitted And Ready For Action!
Smash Computer PTO Wargame For Windows Patched!

Hampstead, NC, 26 January 2009

War Plan Pacific, the acclaimed wargame from developer KE Studios and publisher Shrapnel Games, has now been patched to version The patch not only shoots down the dreaded Model 99 Bug but enhances the overall gameplay experience.

The patch includes the following fixes/additions to the full retail version of War Plan Pacific:

  • If an invasion fleet without carriers attacked a base without any defending aircraft (either carrier or land based) the invasion would silently fail. Fixed.
  • Saving and reloading on turn 1 no longer provides the Japanese extra SNLF groups.
  • Task Force mission text now updates if transport groups are added or removed (changes from Raid to Invasion and vice-versa).
  • Occasionally "ghost" patrol icons would remain even after all patrols were cancelled. Gamers no longer have to be spooked by these, as this has been fixed.
  • Spelling errors in scenario files fixed.

  • Music and Sound now support three levels: Full (louder setting for those playing using laptop speakers), Quiet and Off.
  • Added extra feedback for base growth. Now bases will show a lighter colored segment of their size bar to indicate growth during the previous turn. Note: this only appears during single player games to maintain compatibility between versions for multiplayer.
  • The Allied AI has received several boosts. It is slightly less aggressive in raiding the Home Islands, more aggressive in reopening the Sea Lanes, and not as static during the first turn.
  • Increased reaction moves. Task forces on patrol can now respond to action up to 72 hours sailing time, instead of the one day limit in the initial release. The reaction limit can also now be changed in the scenario file. In multiplayer games both players must have patched to the latest version or the mechanic will default to the original one day limit.

War Plan Pacific is a computer wargame for the Windows operating system developed by Seattle based developer KE Studios. Released last month War Plan Pacific has already earned kudos from Out of Eight reviews, IGN, Flash of Steel, Cyberstratege and the tough Usenet crowd.

In War Plan Pacific one or two players battle for control of the Pacific during the Second World War, beginning with the opening surprise assaults by the forces of Imperial Japan on the Western Allies. Commanding air and naval units (ground combat is abstracted through invasions) players wage war with a variety of objectives in mind. As the Allies strangle Japan's resources or bomb them into submission after an island hopping campaign. For the Japanese player survive long enough for the Allied public to grow weary of battle or force a delay of American forces that tilts the conflict into an assured victory.

While play encompasses the Pacific from Singapore to San Francisco, using a historical order of battle, one of War Plan Pacific's greatest strengths is its single session games. A typical game only takes a few hours to play, making it ideal for weeknight gaming or multiplayer sessions.

The version patch can be downloaded from the official War Plan Pacific games page, found here:


War Plan Pacific is only $39.95 and comes in two flavors: on CD in a DVD case for those who prefer a physical product and a digital download if you'd prefer to go that route. And unlike other naval wargames War Plan Pacific features no intrusive DRM scheme.

Check out the entire line of award winning independent strategy titles at our site, www.shrapnelgames.com. There you'll find demos for all our games and even free, full games to download. Look for more great games from Shrapnel in the coming year!

For press related information please contact Scott R. Krol by using the following form: http://www.shrapnelgames.com/forms/c...nel_games.html

To visit our company blog go to: forum.shrapnelgames.com/blog.php

For all other information, please contact:

Timothy W. Brooks
Shrapnel Games, Inc.
8254-109 Market Street
Box 190
Wilmington, NC 28411
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