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Old November 13th, 2006, 09:24 PM

thatguy96 thatguy96 is offline
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Default Re: New Arty Routine

BigJim said:
Ok Thatguy96 I will take you up on your idea. I will give you 10 bucks everytime you roll back to back ones in a 10 roll series you give me 5 bucks each time you don't.

I will take 5 out of 6 odds every day and so will the boys at Vagas.

The facts are that everyone of you "if honest" can recount many times when a 95 percent chance to hit has been missed several times in a row in this game (this is tandamount to rolling the 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 you speak of.

My complaint about the arty routime is that Andy has programed in a situation where the arty can target what "a human would see" but has not programmed (as near as I can tell) the human player's arty propensity to "miss" the called target on the first shot by 1 or more hexes but rather it lands Borg like ON target. If this is what was intended fine let him say so.
Hey, I'm just saying. This is exactly the reason why Vegas odds aren't based solely on odds, but on a little bookie intuition too. Also remember that a computer has to be programmed to be random, so it will never be 100% random in reality.
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