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Old October 25th, 2002, 08:39 PM

Trajan Trajan is offline
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

Thanks Friends
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-Dio Cassius, Book LXVIII
Old October 25th, 2002, 08:39 PM

Raging Deadstar Raging Deadstar is offline
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

Wanders in after washing off timstones goo, hands raganrok a lawsuit with Grolwtigga rubbing his hands in glee.

"I am Raging Deadstar and shortly known as RD, Since i was called it first you must accept the short name rags or anything else, as RN is copyright infringement on my short name!!"

*Pulls out a patent just to prove this*

GT smiles as he gets geared up (by timstones gearbox?? ) for a good lawsuit

*RD Pulls out his trusty 12 gauge shotgun and takes aim*
"This is the Prosecution!! Plead not guilty and die!!!"

"Oh and Growltigga gets 20% of all compenstaion i get off Ragnarok! 10% goes to Trajan as it was his birthday"

*Smiles as he orders the FBW's to show Trajan a good time, little does he know about the industrial sized toolboxes the FBW's sneak up with them*

Screams can be heard throughout the Cantina.

Lastly Raging Deadstar walks over to Timstone and Gives him a pile of Temporal technology for calling him his favourite cantina member
"This should help your experiments Timstone!" RD smiles then notices a large "do not touch" button on Timstones gearbox, i wonder what thats does
*presses button*

[ October 25, 2002, 19:48: Message edited by: Raging Deadstar ]
Old October 25th, 2002, 09:32 PM
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

As RN stands tied to the poll with blindfold over his eyes, he pleads not guilty. He then pulls his hands out of the rope, pulls down the blindfold and puts his hands back into the rope. "I hearby demand that you let me go..." he thinks for a minute on what just happened and he pulls out his hands again. He walks behind RD and yells, "FIRE!" at the RD's numbskull firing squad start running around frantically trying to call the fire department.
"You should really teach your firing squad to actually fire when told 'fire' and not to think that there is an actual fire."

He proceeds to argue. "Now, I'll tell you what... I did not come up with RN and thus you cannot file a law suit on me. IIRC it is Tigga that came up with this abbreviation(why is that word so long?) for me. I don't know what post but sometime ago back when I was referring to myself as 'Rags' - I believe it was in the Last chase I was part of - GT called me RN and I accepted that as a new abbreviation to my name. So if you have any problem with RN then you must take it up with GT as he is the one that gave that nickname to me. I rest my case."
Rags then sits down behind the desk that somehow showed up with his papers and so forth in front of him. He looks upon himself and he is all dressed up in a suit and looking like a lawyer. He shrugs his shoulders and waits for a counter argument from RD.
Ragnarok - Hevordian Story Thread
I think...therefore I am confused.
They were armed. With guns, said Omari.
Canadians. With guns. And a warship. What is this world coming to?
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Old October 25th, 2002, 11:28 PM

Raging Deadstar Raging Deadstar is offline
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

Dammmit he's smart!!!!

But your argument is flawed

1. I am not using my firing squad, i wouldn't trust them with anything more lethal than a baguette, i was the one holding the 12 gauge shotgun

2. I'm suing you for copyright infringements, since you have openly admitted your use of the abbreiviation RN in your post (don't bother editing it either ) It doesn't matter who gave you the shorter name, as you have used it to describe yourself. Thusly it makes logical sense that you are infringing the copyright of the short name that has been patented by cartoon phsyics

Squirm outta that, i should be a laywer, any openings GT??

I will happily let you refer to yourself as rags as lesser intelligent/short sighted people (both like myself) will have trouble comprehending the difference between us, and then we will be sued for being anti-disabled people

[ October 25, 2002, 22:32: Message edited by: Raging Deadstar ]
Old October 25th, 2002, 11:54 PM
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

Originally posted by Raging Deadstar:
I will happily let you refer to yourself as rags as lesser intelligent/short sighted people (both like myself) will have trouble comprehending the difference between us
Are you indicating that the patrons here at the Cantina are "lesser intelligent/short sighted people"? Now if you ask me that is rather rude. I don't think any of the patron here enjoy being call short sighted or less intelligent. You might as well call them stupid while you're at it.

To be a good sport I will detain from calling myself RN, not to the fact that it's copywrite infringement(which it isn't since your name is RD and not RN), but to the fact that it could be confusing for the patrons while reading a post with our names on them. RD and RN do look alike, but not to be confused.(As RN is obviously the better of the two )

I hereby declair that from now on I will call myself Rags untill a better abbreviation comes about. Unless of course the great GT would be ever so kind as to allow me to be called RN.

Ragnarok - Hevordian Story Thread
I think...therefore I am confused.
They were armed. With guns, said Omari.
Canadians. With guns. And a warship. What is this world coming to?
The dreaded derelict dwelling two ton devil bunny!
Every ship can be a minesweeper... Once
Old October 26th, 2002, 12:23 AM
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

So now we know what lies beyond the edge of the universe... green, gooey, smelly slime ! Erax pulls out a jar of scented extra strength oxygenated hexafluoride-based slime remover and pours it over himself. He waits for the remover to take effect, but the slime becomes even gooeier and smellier. Realizing he has just poured his drink over himself (and hoping no one saw this), he finds the real remover and uses it. The slime (and the smell) are gone in seconds. He walks over to Taz, uses the rest of the remover on him, and asks for another drink.
Have you ever had... the sudden feeling... that God is out to GET YOU?
Well, my girl dumped me and I'm stuck with the raftmates from Hell in the middle of the sea and... what was the question again???
Old October 26th, 2002, 01:21 AM
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

Whilst enjoying his beer and slightly hazed from the violence and the bloodfest of the Byzantine military might holding off the mongol horde, Growltigga spies his evil twin brother standing in the shadows

Growltigga leans over to Dogscoff and whispers "change of plan old mate, marshal your hordes of bedouin camel warriors, arabic heavu infanty and nubian spearmen, I spy my evil twin Drooltigga in the corner and he needs a damn good thrashing and no mistake". Growltigga pulls out his theme-o-matic and proceeds to change into the persona of El Cid.

He sneaks to the kitchen where a new Valencian army is assembled. The fridge light shimmers off the tips of the heavy infantry, off the points of
the lances of the serried ranks of Knights of Santiago and Jinetes, off the mercenary crossbowman who have come along for the party and also off the helmets of the ballista crews.

"Right amigos" says Growltigga mounting his beautifully caparisoned war-tyrannosaurus, "the plan is to hit that evil twin with everything we have, no quarter is to be given, give him cold steel and remember that these evil tigers dont like it up them, and by the way, the Almohad army that will assaulting on the left flank are our allies so no taking sneaky pot shots at them"

With a flurry of trumpets and wardrums, the battle host charges out to give Ragnarok, sorry, Drooltigga, a damn good thrashing
Ook ook ook ook OOK
Old October 26th, 2002, 10:35 AM

Raging Deadstar Raging Deadstar is offline
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

Originally posted by Ragnarok:
Are you indicating that the patrons here at the Cantina are "lesser intelligent/short sighted people"? Now if you ask me that is rather rude. I don't think any of the patron here enjoy being call short sighted or less intelligent. You might as well call them stupid while you're at it.

To be a good sport I will detain from calling myself RN, not to the fact that it's copywrite infringement(which it isn't since your name is RD and not RN), but to the fact that it could be confusing for the patrons while reading a post with our names on them. RD and RN do look alike, but not to be confused.(As RN is obviously the better of the two )

I hereby declair that from now on I will call myself Rags untill a better abbreviation comes about. Unless of course the great GT would be ever so kind as to allow me to be called RN.

Actually i was referring to myself Until i get my glasses fixed i'm pretty much as blind as a stripey mole from pluto

Ah thanx for the good argument, as required by the Deadstar Continuum i must rate you a full 5 stars for being such a good sport

Also, Grolwtigga hasn't punished anyone for the tabs yet, maybe that chase with dogscoff depleted his armies or something
Old October 26th, 2002, 06:22 PM

Taz-in-Space Taz-in-Space is offline
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

He walks over to Taz, uses the rest of the remover on him, and asks for another drink.
Thanks, Erax!

Here's an extra potent brew - It will put hair on your chest. (Just ask that angry FBW with the depilitator over in the corner!)

Man am I beat...all those army's seem to march on their belly's alright - belly's full of beer.

Let's see when my next vacation day is scheduled... Hmmmm, seems I have a choice of one day - November 31.
Strange Calendar...Feb 30 & 31, April 31,June 31,
Sept 31, and Nov 31 are all marked as days off!
Gaze upon Taz-in-Space and TREMBLE!

<img src=http://imagemodserver.mine.nu/other/MM/SE4/warning_labels/inuse/taz.jpg alt= - /]
WARNING: Always count fingers after feeding the Tazmanian Devil!
Old October 26th, 2002, 07:39 PM

Raging Deadstar Raging Deadstar is offline
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Default Re: Ye New Galactic Bar & Grill & Phong\'s Head Cantina - After Hours

*Wanders in and sits at the bar, taz is talking to some new guy and seems to be giving him free drinks.*

Hmm all this obsession on that malfador dictionary thing, maybe we should make a cantina one. Dogscoff did suggest FBW's

Growltigga aka GT/Furry Feline: Approach with caution, when in natural habitat of the cantina or local law rooms it can be very cunning, keep wallet in sight at all times.
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