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Old October 4th, 2004, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

Turn 8, R'lyeh

Oh, the power! The infinite power! I reach out my hand and take. My tentacle moves and the world dies into chaos.

Go forth my starchildren: slaughter the human heroes and fry the fish fools. Let the world shake. Release the Otherness and bring darkness to the sunlit lands! Drive the slaves before you like chattel, heedless as they scream, fall upon the poisoned spears, and tumble into the abyss. Turn teeth upon shark hide, rip and tear- with my power behind you these ancient lords are mere playthings. This is my divine will and the deep places of the world shall run red!

Wha...? Where was I? Ah, now I remember... studying the ancient text, learning how to slip into the unreal void between the hard places of this world. The scout reports have been all good news; my empire added two new provinces, a much welcome addition of gold, and in one, the locals promised to provide us with shark warriors in return for their pitiful lives. This is excellent news, since shark fin soup is so hard to come by in the void.

Already I see signs of mighty deeds on the shore: heat, and eternal night. My time of peace under the waves may be near an end... the fuzzy pufferfish... the crunchy dolphin. It has been so long since land animals entered my maw. Now I sleep again, and let my assassins work their will upon an unsuspecting world. Cut of their leader's heads, and they will all run away. It is a subtle strategy, and Cthulu does not normally resort to such things, but... my main army continues into an aptly named, and weakly defended province.

Mr Flibble is very cross. They shouldn't have run away from Mr. Flibble, should they? What are we going to do with them?

No, we can't possibly do that. Who would clean up the mess?
The world draws swiftly to its awful close: Yarnspinners 2:The Raveling
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Old October 5th, 2004, 12:12 PM

Karacan Karacan is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

Ermor: Turn 8

If there is one thing I despise about mortality, it is their unpredictability on the field of battle. The mercenaries under Gynter Blukraft - which I sent into the midst of an enemy garrison consisting of barbarians and archers to be slaughtered since they ran out of use for me - showed unprecedented valor, and though taking heavy losses in the process, managed to rout the enemy army.
On the other hand, Grom Bravebreaker's fresh troops fled for their lives when a single knight charged them.

I feel something like relief that those of my subjects who follow my path and guidance to ultimate enlightenment show no such fickleness. They do what they are ordered to, or are destroyed in the attempt. It makes life after death so much simpler.

The summoning of another Elder was a success. Gravechill followed my calling, and he comes brings with him some interesting powers I will certainly make use of.

Simith, first of my Elders, will finally build that laboratory to bait some sages out of that library my troops found earlier.

Another mercenary has decided to follow his greed, a renegade atlantian consort named Y'gologna. This is a welcome addition to my troops, for an army of treacherous R'lyeh was seen at the shores. I am not afraid of it, for my scouts report that it consists mainly of neglible cannon fodder my undead legions should have no true problems defeating.

My scouts also report sightings of Lillith, the infamous vampire queen of Abysia. An undead being not on my side. And likely helpless against my hordes of the dead, and yet, as long as she is in her own dominion, the battle I long for will be meaningless in result, no matter the outcome.

However, a small part of me wishes they would recklessly attack. That would be the simplest way of converting them to my cause.

For I am Noth, and I will tolerate no opposition.
Shut your mouth, it could open your mind! - from Skyclad's On With Their Heads!
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Old October 5th, 2004, 04:36 PM

Cheezeninja Cheezeninja is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

Abysia turn 7:

Well it seems that perhaps I have been remiss in keeping my journal in its proper state of upkeep, but if any excuse is warranted then let it be that I have been rather busy. I continue to fly forth from my domicile to bring new lands under my sway and to scout out the inhabitants of these lands to see how suitable they are for my ...needs. The Vampire Count Frithigern was torn to pieces upon my claws and I took nourishement from his throat. I did not quite completely kill him, to do that I would have to burn him entirely and spread his ashes far into my domain, instead I chose to have one of my apprentices weave his spine and nervous system into the rug oppositte my doorway. I'm not sure quite how much he is aware of, but it is a source of much amusement on my part regardless, its been ages since i've been this well entertained.

-exerp from the diary of The Queen-
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Old October 5th, 2004, 04:53 PM

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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

Abysia turn 8:

Royal Historians notes, page 1.

Today marked the first day in which chained slaves were brought to our dungeons like so much cattle. The Queen declared their blood to be of the most delictable type and declared where they must be stored and in what manner, leaving much of the court in confusion as to what they are for, perhaps She is planning a large banquet for herself, who knows, She is the Queen.

The Queen also brought back reports of the sightings of enemy forces from Her recent foray to Locmar, evidently the lands across the small waterway are populated by the massed hordes of undead. Far from being pleased by this sighting of fellow undead the Queen was quite upset (nt: 3 guards, 2 maids palace replacement). She declared the lands to the south to be populated by unforgivably unimaginative and brainless undead who's worst crime was completely lacking the forsight to keep any livestock alive. Fortunately our scouts report the lands to our north to be quite rich in farmland and peasants, so She set off immediately to further enlarge our kingdom.
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Old October 5th, 2004, 06:11 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

I did not get your turn file Cheezeninja: is it the Mail Fairy again? (Where mails are received one, two or three days later) Or did you simply not send the turn in yet?
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Old October 7th, 2004, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

Turn 9, R'lyeh

I believe I've come up with a winning business plan:

Step 1: Prophet
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Rule the world
The world draws swiftly to its awful close: Yarnspinners 2:The Raveling
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Old October 7th, 2004, 09:22 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

---- Arcoscephale, Turn 9 ----

The first snows of winter cover the graves of the fallen— men who have traipsed half-way across the world to die alone and be buried without honor. Still we head further into the mountains. Limmy seems, if possible, to be weaker every day. In the battle yesterday, when we were ambushed by nearly three score of bandits, he merely ran around behind the troops, bumping into them occasionally. Only after the bandits had fled did Limmy do anything, chasing after and slaying the fleeing foe with disturbing enthusiasm. Tonight, he sits by himself by the campfire, perhaps regretting the innocent blood he has spilled, or perhaps continuing to obsess about the name of mountain range we are in. The local expression roughly translates to "God's grave", and this bothers a superstitious man such as Limmy.

A scout has returned, bringing wild tales of a powerful kingdom on the other side of these mountains: a giant astride a many-legged horse, fantastical warriors with powerful magic preventing you from seeing them directly, and others who can control the winds. It's clear that this poor individual has been out in the wilds by himself for too long, but our need for information is keen, so as soon as he stopped gibbering over Limmy I sent him back out into the night.

The campfire tonight and scant (I suppose I can call it) food, is courtesy of the locals who greeted us as liberators from the bandits. A handful of young men have volunteered to come with us, and I welcome their aid. It is a long way home now, and we lose men in every battle. Those who survive are slowly accumulating wounds. We need Thymbre's gentle healing hands.

Limmy has stirred himself at Last. I heard him tell the sentry that he is going to search for sites of mystical power. The man is insane, and will probably be killed by a wolf before daybreak, but I haven't the energy to stop him.

I suppose, while he is gone, no-one will notice if I help myself to his stash of butter. It'll make this burnt vermin carcass a little less dry and pungent.

The Council of Wyrms – it's not just the law, it's a good idea.
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Old October 7th, 2004, 09:23 PM

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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

Heh, that's supposed to be a yarn?
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Old October 9th, 2004, 12:33 PM

Karacan Karacan is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

Ermor: Turn 9

There was a witch in Astara which cursed a few of my undead troops when they acquired a few of her gems as taxes. I give orders for her to be killed.

The aquarian mercenaries who joined me previous season have proven their worth already. It is important to secure an underwater foothold as early as possible. This was successfully accomplished, but I have new orders for Y'gologna - there is more to conquer, more to bring under my guiding.

Unfortunately, neither the aquatian race in front of my coast nor the Vampire on the other side of the sea decided to show aggression towards the lands under my control. Well, that gives me the time to use my armies elsewhere.

I am finally able to lure wise men to me with the promise of gold. Apparently, gold is a much more useful tool than faith in securing the worship of living followers. I shall see to aquire more from newly conquered provinces.

For I am Noth, the tempter of men.
Shut your mouth, it could open your mind! - from Skyclad's On With Their Heads!
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Old October 12th, 2004, 09:36 AM
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Default Re: MP Game - Yarnspinners

Yellow Cactus has withdrawn from the game, leaving Mictlan waiting for a replacing player. I will play them for the next few turns; if nobody steps in, they will go AI.

Curious Cat has joined as Machaka. Welcome aboard!
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